Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday February 7th 2025


By Patrick Cabello Hansel

Estimable readers:

Your dear writer is in a bit of a quandary. He has two parallel stories going, not only in different places, but in different times. Little Lupe is with Agnes in the near present, trying to escape the clutches of Brian Fleming and the forces of destruction he directs. Angel and Luz and little Angel are in the mid-18th century, trying to discover what the curse of Mateo Hidalgo Kelly might mean for them and their future.

We got the last three into the past through a tesseract tunnel that led under the operation Brian Fleming was running in the swale (now East Phillips) to the cemetery. They were last seen walking a train track towards what they hoped was enlightenment. But that tunnel has been seized by law enforcement after the raid on Fleming’s converted garage/human trafficking/sweatshop/bit coin harvesting operation. That path—for now, at least—is closed.

We need another portal, another gateway connecting time and space. And it must be in Phillips! And it must not be a place our blessed family has already been. Those spaces include Heart of the Beast, San Miguel Bakery, Maria’s, Mercado Central, Global Market, Stewart Park and the late, great Denny’s on Lake Street.

So, I am asking for your help. How can our beloved family get back to the near present (that is, 2015)? Or rather, where in Phillips is that transcending space. Please send your nominations to me at phcreate@gmail.com. I relish your cooperation.

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