The Phoenix of Phillips is our neighborhood literary magazine, for and by people who love this community! This issue, whose theme is “Seeding a New Community,” was co-edited by a group of wonderful youth artists and produced by the Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts. Look for it in the January 2023 issue of the alley.
Current Headlines
- Consequences of War on Russian-Speaking Community
- Four Things to Know About the East Phillips Urban Farm Project this December
- HERC Closer to Closing Down?
- Ingebretsen’s Gift Shop Turns 50!
- Franklin Library News Dec. ’24
- Our Taxes At Work
- We Are So Honored
- Ventura Village Dec. ’24
- Timing is Everything
- From the Archives…
- What’s been happening at San Pablo’s Lutheran Church on 15th Ave and 28th Street?
- Phillips West Dec. ’24
- December ’24 Events
- The Substance (2024)
- One Last Fling
- Around Town December ’24
- Love Notes
- Dave’s Dumpster December ’24
- EPIC and MPNAI Dec. ’24
- December ’24
The Beat – Community Journalism in Action
- Mental Health Supports Serving Minneapolis: Affordable Options for Your Well-Being
- Empowering Health: Free Health Access in Phillips
- Community Envisions Healthier Air Quality in Phillips
- Food Shelves, Farmers Markets Respond to Food Access Issues in Phillips
- Filling the Resource Gap for Single Parents
- Examining the Health Impacts of Older Housing Built Before 1939 in Phillips
- Consequences of War on Russian-Speaking Community
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