Help Received & Need Continues
From Sandy Spieler – Artistic Director, In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre
Many thanks to The Alley and its constituents for sharing my February letter about MayDay with so many people! It was picked up by the Twin Cities Daily Planet, Southside Pride Newspaper, City Pages blog, and MPR”'s State of the Arts blog. And many thanks to all of you who have responded by making donations and suggestions!!
My heart is very full from all of you asking: “What can I do?”
Here is a beginning answer of opportunities for financial and volunteer support to assure the sustaining of MayDay:
Financial Support:Â
- Give online through our GiveMN/Razoo site ( or the donation link on In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre”'s (HOBT) website (
- Give through the mail when you receive the annual MayDay funding appeal. (Call 612-721-2535 to get on In the Heart of the Beast”'s mail and e-mail lists.)
- Attend “Sustainable MayDay””“ a fundraising event on the eve of the public workshops”' opening on Friday, April 5th, 7 PM at the Avalon Theater (tickets $100 on-line at
- Give during the public workshops in April, as we build the MayDay Parade.
- Give on the day of the MayDay Festival itself”“Sunday May 5th!
Volunteer Support:
- Help with the public workshops: Tuesdays, Thursdays, or Saturdays in April. Help mix paste, papier-mâché, cut cardboard, sew, translate for neighbors, etc. Contact Lynette at the Theatre: (612-721-2535)
- Help on MayDay (Sunday, May 5th). Help set up the park! Help move puppets! Help with parade and festival tasks! Help clean up at the end of the day! Sign up for one or more of the fun tasks by contacting Margery: (612-721-2535)
- Be a Host for one of the Blocks along the Bloomington Ave. Parade Route on MayDay. Contact Bailey at the Theatre (612-721-2535).
- Help collect donations on MayDay itself. Contact Loren Niemi: (612-721-2535)
Making a Pledge of Support, such as:
- Seward Coop”'s SEED program is “rounding up” in April to support MayDay (shop there and participate!)
- A team of young givers who have grown up with MayDay will generate $10,000 from peer donations.
- The State District 61 Green Party is asking their members to contribute and sustain MayDay.
- There will be “Giving Arches” donation sites in Powderhorn Park on MayDay.
- What ideas do you have??
Thank you neighbors! From your continued generosity, MayDay WILL be sustained for many years to come. Many thanks from all of us at In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre!
Sandy Spieler, Artistic Director. In the Heart of the Beast Puppet & Mask Theatre ”¢ (612) 721- 2535 ”¢ sandralspieler@gmail.comÂ