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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday July 16th 2024



Thanks everyone! The recognition by the City on October 25th that the Burma Save building DOES meet the City”'s criteria for historic designation has put wind in our sails as we appeal to the City Zoning and Planning on Dec. 1st.

Thanks for all the great suggestions for ways to incorporate this building into the educational regimen of Adult Education and the South High School campus:

Ӣ a student run museum of immigration,

Ӣ a student run coffee shop,

Ӣ an all nations themed gathering place in a new building,

Ӣ a post and beam supported super structure for an outdoor plaza.

The trend in preservation of historical sites is to focus on the value of the stories they have to tell and the ways in which they involve the community. This is a fantastic opportunity for just that!
Remember to vote “Save the Shave!” at City Zoning and Planning Committee at 9:30am on Thursday December 1st, City Hall!

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