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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday September 30th 2024

Taking Root

By Margaret Shields

Taking Root is a beginning gardener class series for new gardeners interested in growing their own food. This 6-class series takes place in a community garden in East Phillips, and brings you through an entire growing season in Minnesota, with a class held approximately once a month between May and October. Cost: $30 for the whole series! Pre-registration required.

Class Topics: Garden Planning and Gardening Basics Early May Transplanting, Mulching and General Garden Maintenance Early June Planting for Fall, Crop Rotation and Harvesting Techniques Mid July Height-of-Summer Trouble-Shooting Mid August Late Summer Harvesting, Fall Planting and Cover Crops Mid September Garlic Planting, Preparing for Winter, Vermiculture Composting Mid October

About the Instructor: Nick Schneider is a gardener and professional chef. Nick has been a community gardener for 11 years, a gardening instructor for six, and a market gardener for 3 years. His passion for bio-intensive, high-yield sustainable food production has yielded a world of ticks and tips great for beginning gardeners.

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Asa Clark Brown to be Honored by Daughters of the War of 1812 May 30th 2011 at 9 AM

By Sue Hunter Weir

The Daughters of the War of 1812 will place a new marker for Asa Clark Brown, one of three confirmed War of 1812 veterans buried in Minneapolis Pioneers and Soldiers Memorial Cemetery. The other two veterans, James N. Glover was honored in 2010 and Walter P. Carpenter, will be honored in 2012. John Carpenter, Walter”'s brother, may well turn out to be a War of 1812 veteran as well. If that turns out to be the case, four of the approximately 200 War of 1812 veterans known to have died in Minnesota will have been buried in Pioneers and Soldiers Cemetery.

Asa Clark Brown, one of the Cemetery”'s War of 1812 veterans, has a new military marker. His old marker was placed on his grave by members of the Minneapolis Cemetery Protective Association in 1932. After almost 80 years of wind and weather, the carving has all but disappeared, and it was time. In the next few weeks, his new marker will be installed, and his old marker will be removed and placed flat on his grave.

On Monday, May 30, 2011, at 9 a.m., the Minnesota chapter of the Daughters of 1812 will dedicate Mr. Brown”'s new marker.… Read the rest “Asa Clark Brown to be Honored by Daughters of the War of 1812 May 30th 2011 at 9 AM”

Taco Salad Monday

Guest writer, Courtney Algeo, contributor at the blog All The Tacos I Have Loved, Click here to read the original post from All The Tacos I Have Loved.

True confession: Until Monday I”'d never had a taco salad. Why? Because when I go for a taco I am essentially saying, “Yes, I would like about three handfulls of meat. Radishes on the side.” When I go for a salad, that”'s a totally different story. That is a time when I am essentially saying, “I”'m feeling kind of gross lately.” It had never occurred to me to stop compartmentalizing my eating until Monday when a friend said to me, “Come get taco salad. It”'s Taco Salad Monday at La Loma in the Midtown Global Market on Lake Street.”

Okay, I know that Taco Salad Monday doesn”'t have quite the same ring to it as Taco Tuesday, but cheap tacos is cheap tacos no matter what it”'s called.

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