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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday September 30th 2024

Noche de Paz Night of Peace Celebrating community! Hosted by Latina leaders and friends

By Kathleen Sullivan and Mary Laurel True, Powderhorn neighbors

What brought neighbors to come together in warmth and light on a cold February evening?

Inspired by the Peace in Powderhorn event on December 1, Powderhorn neighbors kept the bonfires burning, and came together to enjoy a Noche de Paz or Night of Peace. It was an evening of fire and ice-lanterns, love of community, and warmth of togetherness on February 13, 2011 in Powderhorn Park.

The idea was spearheaded by a group of women who shared a vision. This vision was to extend the community spirit that came out of the December gathering, in pro-active ways that would continue throughout the year, with a goal of further developing a peaceful and united community. The fruit of their effort became Noche de Paz.

Bonfires, melty ice lanterns, and a painting of a peace dove transformed the outdoor space, while twinkling lights and homemade peace signs adorned the cozy space indoors. Park staff generously opened their doors to the community on their day off. Participants were treated to music by young D.J. Andres, drummer Tomas, and West African drummers Onayemi and friends. An appreciative audience huddled around the bonfires for warmth, and the wind seemed part of the show, as puppeteers Laura and John brought their story of the “Wintermaker” to life.… Read the rest “Noche de Paz Night of Peace Celebrating community! Hosted by Latina leaders and friends”

Phillips and The Alley Go to Harvard

By Susan Gust, Amy AusiÉirithe

The Alley Newspaper and its editor, Harvey Winje, have been invited to be a part of The Wendell Phillips Bicentennial Symposium at the Harvard Law School Charles Hamilton Houston Institute for Race and Justice, June 2 ”“ 4. This exciting invitation was extended to The Alley because the Symposium”'s scholarly planning committee was enthused to discover a vibrant community with Wendell Phillips as its namesake. They were even more pleased to learn that the Phillips Community has embraced Wendell”'s spirit of discord and discourse as its means to seek justice in the same way that Mr. Phillips did some 200 years ago. Harvey Winje and The Alley Newspaper were invited to attend this symposium and present how the life and legacy of Wendell Phillips inspires our work individually and in the community. Dave Moore and Linnea Hadaway”'s poignant Spirit of Phillips cartoons will be also be featured at this symposium as a provocative way to popularize history and to exemplify issues that span generations.

Harvey Winje and Dave Moore are honored to travel to Boston in June to attend this symposium and to represent the work of so many in the Phillips Community and in the pages of The Alley Newspaper.… Read the rest “Phillips and The Alley Go to Harvard”

April Artisans Bring MAY DAY Pageant

By Harvey Winje, In the Heart of the Beast

The Annual May Day Parade and Festival is a harbinger and highlight of Spring exceeded only by the gatherings of all ages during April that produce this special pageant. You”'ve heard “April showers bring May flowers.” Well, April artisans will bring another May Day pageant. It is truly a “Miracle at The Avalon,” In the Heart of the Beast”'s Theatre at 1500 East Lake Street, where it is the first year for some people and for others, their 37th year. Folks of all ages will mold clay into shapes that layers of paper mache will change into life-like masks . It is truly a miracle of community building that uses imagination and transforms dumpster finds into magic dances of life. It is making the common things of life sacred. Join in one of the following times:

37th Annual MayDay Parade Workshops Begin April 2
Public MayDay Workshops
1500 Lake St E, Minneapolis
April 2 ”“ 28
Saturdays: 9:00 am ”“ 11:00 am and 1:00 pm ”“ 3:00 pm
Tuesdays: 7:00 ”“ 9:00 pm
Thursdays: 7:00 ”“ 9:00 pm
MayDay Parade and Festival
Sunday, May 1
1:00 pm: Parade begins at intersection of Bloomington Ave.… Read the rest “April Artisans Bring MAY DAY Pageant”

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