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Saturday August 31st 2024

Posts Tagged ‘Chocolate Griddle Cakes’

Food Obsession: PANCAKES

By Jane Thomson More pancakes and less prose (could this be on a t-shirt?) Pancakes, combined with fruit and either milk, eggs, yoghurt or sausage make a decent meal. It”'s only when you take in “all you can eat” that they become a weight hazard. Any of the pancakes below would be good with syrup, honey or tart/sweet fruit jelly. WATKINS OATMEAL PANCAKES ”“ (This must refer to the Watkins company that sold household items, including vanilla, door to door. Perhaps they are still in business.) 1cup rolled oats ½ cup of whole wheat or unbleached white flour 1 ½ cup buttermilk or low-fat milk 2 eggs, beaten 2 tsp. baking powder 2 tsp. vanilla 1tsp. cinnamon (more…)

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