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What”'s Up at the Franklin Library: November 2009

By Erin Thomasson
Children”'s Programs
Sheeko Caruur Af-Soomaali ah/World Language Storytime: Somali*
Tuesdays, Nov. 3, 10, 17 & 24, 6:30”“7:30 p.m. La wadaag bugagga, sheekoyinka, jaan-gooyada maansada iyo muusikada Soomaalida. Waxaa lagu maalgaliyey deeq ay Comcast Foundation siisay Library Foundation of Hennepin County.
For children ages 2 and up. Experience the world in other languages. *

The Turkey That Got Away
Friday, Nov. 6, 3”“4 p.m.
For kids in grade 2 and up. What would Thanksgiving dinner be without the turkey? Kids will find out by sharing great books and fun activities.

Kids Book Club
Friday, Nov. 20, 4-5 p.m.
Join other kids to talk about a great book! Pick up a copy of the book at the information desk
Preschool Storytime
Wednesdays, 10:30-11:00 a.m.
For children ages 4 to 6. Help your preschooler get ready to read. Enjoy stories together and build language skills.

Teen Programs
Design Club
Thursdays Nov. 5, 12, 19, 4”“6 p.m. For teens in grade 6 and up. Get creative! Design and take home T-shirts, posters, jewelry, magnets and other creations. Check out the posters at Franklin Library to see what project is coming up!

Teen Movie Night
Thursdays, Nov. 5, 12 &19, 6”“8 p.m. For teens in grade 6 and up. Bring a friend and come watch classic teen films.

Articulture Artslam
Tuesdays, Nov. 10, 17 & 24, 6”“8 p.m. For teens in grade 6 and up. A poetry/visual arts workshop where literary and visual artists show teens how to incorporate the spoken word and visual arts as personal expression through imagery and poetry. An open mic grand finale poetry event and art exhibition follows.

Teen Tech Club
Tuesdays through Nov. 24, 4”“6 p.m. For teens in grade 6 and up. Learn and explore amazing animation software called Scratch, experiment with digital cameras, use online photo editing programs, and practice your computer skills while you”'re at it!

Teen Center Book Club
Wednesdays through Nov. 25, 5”“6 p.m. For teens in grade 6 and up. Mysteries, biographies, children”'s books, novels, comic books… How many different kinds of books can you name? Activities will vary from reading books out loud, reviewing books, writing new ones and even binding our own!

Adult Programs
Seniors Play Reading Group**
Friday, Nov. 13, 10:30a.m.”“12:30 p.m. Join us for a stimulating morning of reading and discussing some of the great plays of our heritage. For additional information, call the library, 612-630-6800. **

Nonfiction Book Discussions for Elder Learners**
Friday, Nov. 13, 1”“3 p.m.
Join us for a stimulating discussion of nonfiction books. For additional information, call the library, 612-630-6800.**

Memoir Writing Group**
Thursday, Nov. 19, 12:30”“2 p.m. Would you like to create a record of your personal history? Bring what you have written and are willing to read to the group – for helpful comments and suggestions. Contact Franklin Library staff at 612-630-6801 if interested. **

Circulo de Lectores en Español para Adultos/Spanish-Language Book Club for Adults
Saturday, Nov. 21, 11 a.m.”“noon*** Participa en el Circulo de Lectores para leer con nosotros las mejores novelas Latinoamericanas por escritores Latinos. Para más información llama 952-847-5648. Financiamiento proveido por una subvención de Comcast Foundation para Library Foundation of Hennepin County.

Participants will read and discuss the greatest Latin American novels written by Latinos. Call 952-847-5648.***

Phillips Technology Center: 612-630-6800
Register online or call 612-630-6800
Computer Basics Workshop
Thursdays, Nov. 5 & 12, noon-2 p.m. and Fridays, Nov. 6 & 13, 1”“3 p.m. Learn and bring questions about basic mouse and keyboarding skills, creating an e-mail account, using the Internet and scanning (where available).

How to Create a Simple Budget Using Microsoft Excel
Thursday, Nov. 5, 6”“8 p.m.
Download and adapt a budget template from Microsoft Office website. Learn to identify and alter the formulas to suit your own needs. Prerequisite: Introduction to Microsoft Excel 1& 2, or a basic understanding of the program is highly recommended.

Introduction to Microsoft Excel 1. Friday, Nov. 6, 10 a.m.”“noon
Registration required. Learn the basics of working with an Excel spreadsheet: formatting, navigation and menus.
Tell Me More: Language Learning. Saturday, Nov. 7, noon”“1 p.m. Find out how to open an account and to use this free online language-learning tool available from the Library to learn Dutch, English, French, German, Italian, Latin American Spanish or Spanish.

Intermediate E-mail
Thursday, Nov. 12, 6”“8 p.m.
Learn how to use folders, view and attach files to an e-mail and set up an e-mail address book using a Yahoo! account.

Introduction to Open Office
Friday, Nov. 13, 10 a.m. ”“ noon p.m. Learn about Open Office, a free, multiplatform office suite that can be used to create documents, spreadsheets, and presentations. Learn how to use Open Office in the library and how to download and install the program at home or work.

Conducting your own Investment Research
Saturday, Nov. 21, noon”“1 p.m.
Learn to access and use free online investment resources such as Standard and Poor”'s, Value Line and Morningstar from the library.

Fasal Kumbuyuutar oo Af-Soomaali ah/Somali Computer Class****
Saturday, Nov. 21, 1”“2 p.m.
Ka baro fasalkan sida loo isticmaalo kumbuyuutarka. Ka baro adeegsiga Microsoft Word, Intaraneedka, iimeylka, iyo xog-kaydiyaha iyo kaataloogga Maktabadda Deegaanka Hennepin. Fasalkaaan wuxuu ku bixi doonaa Af-Soomaali. Wixii faahfaahin ah fadlan wac 612-630-6390. Waxaa lagu maalgaliyey deeq ay Comcast Foundation siisay Library Foundation of Hennepin County. Learn the basics about computers. Learn how to use Microsoft Word, the Internet, e-mail, and the Hennepin County Library catalog and databases. The classes are free and will be taught in Somali. For more information, call 612-630-6390. ****

Franklin Learning Center: 612-630-6830
The Franklin Learning Center offers free, one-to-one tutoring for adults who are learning English and math, preparing for the GED and citizenship exams, and gaining life skills. We are always looking for community volunteers! No experience necessary; we provide training and materials. Contact us at 612-630-6830.
*. Funding provided by a grant to the Library Foundation of Hennepin County from the Comcast Foundation.
**Presented in collaboration with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.
.*** Funding provided by a grant to the Library Foundation of Hennepin County from the Comcast Foundation.
****Funding provided by grants to the Library Foundation of Hennepin County from the Comcast Foundation and the Digital Inclusion Fund of The Minneapolis Foundation.
Finding her inspiration in community, culture, and children, Erin Thomasson is a mother, musician, gardener, and longtime Phillips resident abiding now in Seward.

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