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Tuesday March 4th 2025

January Phillips What? Where? Contest

Photo #1: It”'s a sign? Yes, that”'s obvious. The question remains a sign of what? by whom? for what? Tell it all and your name goes in the drawing. It was a Model project in the 60”'s, closed, then opened, closed then?

Photo #2: It”'s a building? Yes, that”'s obvious. What building? Where is it? Whose building? What”'s it for? What”'s rising out of the top? A long, notoriously substandard sidewalk belonged to this property which certainly was a contradiction of its Owner.

Tell us the What and Where of these 2 photos correctly and win a chance for a drawing of a $20.00 Gift Certificate at Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue.
See the captions on the photos to the right for the January Hints.
Get all of the answers of #1 correct and you”'re in that drawing.
Get all of the answers of #2 correct and you”'re in that drawing.
Get all of the answers of #1 & #2 correct and you”'re in both drawings.
So, you may win a $10 gift certificate or possibly 2 $10. gifts certificates to Welna Hardware 2438 Bloomington Avenue
Winners from the December Contest:
Lisa Donovan-Larson, Eloise Funmaker, Geralyn Little Wolf, and Brenda Morrow. All got the two photos correct in December. The top photo is one of two tipis with symbolic turtles, eagles, and flowers, recently erected at 25th and Cedar at Little Earth of United tribes. Here is what Little Earth leader, Bill Ziegler, says about them.
The Winner of the Drawing is Geralyn Little Wolf
“The idea concept was the vision of the Residents of Little Earth. Little Earth is the only Indian Preference housing community in the nation that is located in an urban setting, yet, when driving by there was really nothing visually that showed that. The Tipi sculptures are our effort to 1)show, through the most universally recognizable traditional home, that this community is Native, 2)foster internal pride, and 3)they just look good. “The designer/architect was Dennis Sun Rhodes from Great Horse Group architecture firm. Built and installed by one of Dennis”'s sub-contractors.”
The juxtaposed photo beneath the tipis in December was the same photo that no one guesse3d in November. It is roof framework at the NE corner of the new Open Arms Minnesota building at 25th and Bloomington. (See December Alley page 1 Open Arms MN article and photos. These two locations are exactly four blocks apart and each are the skeletal framework inherent in two distinctly different types of shelter.

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