30 Years of Alley Newspapers in One Set of 13 Volumes awaits trip to Franklin Library to be available to the community; printed on good, book paper and bound hard-covers.
Bound for the Future has two meanings for the Alley Newspaper in 2010: First, it means that the first 30 years of The Alley Newspaper”'s issues are now reprinted on good quality book paper instead of lower quality newsprint paper, and the over 4,000 pages are bound into two sets of 13 hardcover volumes. One set is available to the public at the Central Library downtown on Hennepin Avenue and the other is available at the Franklin Library on Franklin Avenue. This making of The Alley”'s into hardcover volumes was initiated by the Hennepin County Library. Alley Communications, the nonprofit that produces The Alley Newspaper, began raising money to have another set at the Franklin Library. An Alley volunteer spent a couple of hundred hours compiling a complete set for the Library to use for reprinting. Subsequent to the printing completion, the Library was able to use some left-over funds to pay for the Franklin Library set. This allowed The Alley to redirect the funds donated to date and, instead, broaden the public accessibility effort. The next tasks are to have the whole set microfilmed for availability at the Minnesota Historical Society and then to pursue having the first 34 years of The Alley digitized for the ultimate accessibility and ease for reproduction in subsequent issues or for research use. Simultaneously, Sue Hunter Weir, is beginning the task of indexing all past Alley Newspapers. So, keep those cards and letters coming with donations for the Alley archiving project because we are certainly Bound for the Future!
Secondly, Bound for the Future means that The Alley has survived for 34 years and is setting a course to continue publishing this community owned and governed newspaper on into 2010 and into the future while many small and large newspaper are ceasing production. This community governed media vehicle continues to follow its mission to allow neighbors to “talk to each other,” “inform and engage” local residents and workers,” advocate for causes of peace and justice, and invite everyone to “tell me a story.”
We”'re excited and cautious about this continuation. While there is great encouragement to continue publishing and to find the means to provide the financial support of this endeavor, it is a daunting task. We”'re strengthened to do the job knowing it is a valuable resource and that so many people read the paper and depend on it to be available to fulfill specific, respective purposes.
We invite others to help continue in this task by doing jobs attractive and appropriate to them as we expand our coverage of stories important to our current readers and, indeed, bring along other readers by including additional topics of interest. Please help The Alley to continue holding a vision of the future for the Phillips Community and beyond and to implement that vision. We are still looking for Board Members to help to guide our work, donations of money and articles, advertisers, and constructive critique. We appreciate hearing from our readers. You can reach as at alleynews.org or 612-990-4022. All of us at Alley Communications wish you times of hope and joy in 2010.