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Sunday March 2nd 2025

What”'s Up at the Franklin Library-March 2010

By Erin Thomasson
Children”'s Programs
Sheeko Caruur Af-Soomaali ah/World Language Storytime: Somali. Tues. March 2”“May 25, 6”“7 p.m. La wadaag bugagga, sheekoyinka, jaan-gooyada maansada iyo muusikada Soomaalida. Ages 2 and up. Experience the world in other languages.
Cuentos y Canciones/World Language Storytime: Spanish
Thur., March 4”“May 27, 6 p.m.
Para niños de 2 años en adelante. Comparta y disfrute con sus niños libros, cuentos, rimas y música en español. Ages 2 and up. Share books, stories, rhymes and music in Spanish.
Waxbarasho iyo Ciyaar Caruureed Af-Soomaali ah/Somali Play and Learn
Fri., March 5 & 19, 10:30 a.m.
Dhammaan caruurta ka yar da”' dugsi. Ka soo qaybgal sheekooyin caruur, heeso iyo hawlo waxbarasho. Join us for stories, songs and activities!
Hip Hop Hippety Hop
Fri., March 12, 4 p.m. K and up. Hop on over to learn about rabbits through fun activities.
Kids Book Club
Fri., March 26, 4 p.m. G 4-6. Join other kids to talk about a great book! No pre-reading required! We will share a story and discuss.
Preschool Storytime
Wed., 10:30-11 a.m. 4 to 6. Help your preschooler get ready to read. Enjoy stories together and build language skills.

Teen Programs
O.P.E.N. Time
Tue., March 2”“May 25, 4”“5 p.m. G 6 and up. Options for Play and Enrichment Now Time provides just that: options. Come downstairs to the Teen Center and choose from computers, magazines, board games, video games, brain teasers, conversation with friends and more!
Group Games
Tue., March 2”“May 25, 5”“6 p.m. G 6 and up. No consoles needed! Learn social games designed for large groups of all ages: Charades, Wink, Mafia, Whiz Bam, Thumper, Taboo and others. Sure to make you laugh!
Teens Talk Tue., March 2”“May 25, 6”“8 p.m. G 6 and up. Take time to enjoy old friends and make new ones at the Teen Center with something simple: talking. Discuss any topic or current event, play word games or simply answer “Would you rather”¦?” questions.
Design Club. Wed., March 3”“May 26, 5”“6 p.m. G 6 and up. Get creative! Design and take home T-shirts, posters, jewelry, magnets and other creations. Check out the posters at Franklin Library to see what project is coming up!
Art With a Cause
Thur., March 4”“May 27, 4”“6 p.m. G 6 and up. A youth arts and activism program focused on social awareness and vehicles for expression such as visual art, writing, media and social action.
Game On! Gaming Thursdays
Thur., Mar. 4 & 18, 6-8 p.m.
G 6 and up. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours!
Theater Arts Workshop
Thur., March 11, March 25, April 8, April 22 & May 6, 6 ”“8 p.m. G 6 and up. Get out of your comfort zone and have some fun as you play theater games, practice prose and express yourself through performance. In these workshops, everyone is the star of the show!

Adult Programs
Healthy Eating on a Budget
Tue, March 2, 2”“3 p.m.
Held at Franklin Learning Center, in the lower level of Franklin Library. Learn to make healthy food choices, even when your budget is tight! Presented in partnership with the Phillips Neighborhood Clinic.
Seniors Play Reading Group
Fri., Mar. 12, 10:30a.m.”“12:30 p.m. Join us for a stimulating morning of reading and discussing some of the great plays of our heritage. For additional information, call the library, 952-847-2925.
Nonfiction Book Discussions for Elder Learners. Fri., Mar. 12, 1”“3 p.m. Join us for a stimulating discussion of nonfiction books. For additional information, call the library, 952-847-2925.
Memoir Writing Group
Thur., Mar. 18, 1”“2:30 p.m.
Would you like to create a record of your personal history? Bring what you have written and are willing to read to the group – for helpful comments and suggestions. Contact Franklin Library staff at 952-847-2925 if interested.
Circulo de Lectores en Español para Adultos/Spanish-Language Book Club for Adults. Sat., Mar. 20, 11 a.m.”“noon. Participa en el Circulo de Lectores para leer con nosotros las mejores novelas Latinoamericanas por escritores Latinos. Para más información llama 952-847-5648. Participants will read and discuss the greatest Latin American novels written by Latinos. Call 952-847-5648.

Phillips Technology Center:
Register online for these classes and more or call 952-847-2925
Computer Basics Workshop
Thur., March 4 & 25, noon”“2 p.m. and Friday, March 26, 1”“3 p.m. Learn and bring questions about basic mouse and keyboarding skills, creating an e-mail account, using the Internet and scanning (where available).
Microsoft PowerPoint: Multimedia Tips
Thur., March 4, 6”“8 p.m.
Use multimedia tips and tricks such as auto transitions, audio and video to dress up your presentations. Prerequisite: Microsoft PowerPoint: Basics or familiarity with presentation software is highly recommended.
Searching and Applying for Jobs Online. Sat., March 6, noon”“1 p.m. Conduct a more effective job search by learning about valuable job hunting tools you can use at the library or online from anywhere.
Fasal Kumbuyuutar Af-Soomaali ah/Computer Class in Somali. Sat., March 6”“May 29, 1”“2 p.m.
Ka baro fasalkan sida loo isticmaalo kumbuyuutarka. Ka baro adeegsiga Microsoft Word, Intaraneedka, iimeylka, xog-kaydiyaha iyo kaataloogga Maktabadda Degmada Hennepin. Fasalkaaan waa lacag la”'aan wuxuuna ku bixi doonaa Af-Soomaali. Wac Warsame, 952.847.5662, wixii faahfaahin ah. Learn the basics about computers; how to use Microsoft Word, the Internet, e-mail, the library catalog and databases. Classes, taught in Somali, are for beginners and intermediate-level users and are free. Call Warsame, 952.847.5662, for more information.
Senior Surf Day Wed., Mar. 17, 10:30 a.m. ”“12:30 p.m. Learn computer basics, how to navigate and search the Internet and how to access websites of interest to seniors. Get hands-on computer experience from representatives of the Senior LinkAge Line®
E-mail: Intermediate
Thur., March 25, 6”“8 p.m.
Learn how to use folders, view and attach files to an e-mail and set up an e-mail address book using a Yahoo! account.
OpenOffice: Basics
Fri., March 26, 10a.m. ”“ noon p.m. Registration required, begins Feb 26. Register online or call 952.847.2925. OpenOffice is a free, multiplatform office suite that can be used to create documents, spreadsheets and presentations. Learn how to use Open Office in the library and how to download and install the program at home or work.

Franklin Learning Center:
The Franklin Learning Center offers free, one-to-one tutoring for adults who are learning English and math, preparing for the GED and citizenship exams, and gaining life skills. We are always looking for community volunteers! No experience necessary; we provide training and materials. Contact us at 952-847-2934.

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