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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday July 16th 2024

Thoughts about the Community Advisory Committee

by David Spartz
The Community Advisory Committee was an important element connecting to the immediate neighborhood surrounding ANW` (Allina) and Children”'s Medical Center. The mission of this committee was to establish a forum from which a dialogue with its neighbors could address issues affecting their concerns and the impact of these affecting the livability within the community. Such openness brought a rapport and reasonableness that now has been replaced by a disconnect with the absence of CAC. It regretfully is missed!

[David Spartz submitted the Commentary above.  In a conversation with David, he lamented the changes making hospital personnel less available than when Joyce Krook, Community Relations  and Gene Torrey, facilities manager, would inform about upcoming changes and heard concerns of neighbors like David who lives adjacent to the campus.  David says that helicopter is less noisy since heliport was moved further east onto the Heart Hospital addition although arrivals and departures are still heard. Editor]

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