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Friday July 26th 2024

SEWARD CO-OP & Deli Debuts “Preferred Products: Principle 6” Oct. 2

By Lindsey Frey and Tom Vogel

“While organic and fair trade are very important, Principle 6 of the 7 International Principles adds support for local economies and quality small-scale production. We hope the P6 boosts sales for these producers and businesses, ”¦ giving shoppers a quick way to identify ”˜best of the best”' products and companies,”'” says Sean Doyle, general manager.

7 International Cooperative Principles.

Voluntary and Open Membership

Democratic Member Control

Member Economic Participation

Autonomy and Independence

Education, Training and Information

Cooperation Among Cooperatives

Concern for Community

P6 Products criteria:

Local ”“a product grown or produced in the 5-state region – MN, WI, SD, ND, IA.

Cooperative/nonprofit ”“cooperative ownership of the business, where members have a stake in the business, or nonprofit status.

Small farmer/producer ”“a.) independently owned and operated, and b.) selling direct to store or through a local distributor with a regional distribution area.

Find P6 list of items at: Customer Service Desk,

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