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Friday March 14th 2025

May Programs at the Franklin Library

By Erin Thomasson

Children”'s Programs

Celebrate Children”'s Book Week. Fri. May 6, 4”“5 pm Grades 2-5. Join us for special children”'s stories. We will read some of our very favorite children”'s picture books.

Waxbarasho iyo Ciyaar Caruureed Af-Soomaali ah/Somali Play and Learn
Fri. May 6 & 20, 10:30 a.m. ”“ 12:30 pm. Preschool-grade 2. Dhammaan caruurta ka yar da”' dugsi. Ka soo qaybgal sheekooyin caruur, heeso iyo hawlo waxbarasho. Join us for stories, songs and activities. *

Family Storytime
Wed. through May 25, 10:30”“11 am. 2 and up. Share books, stories, rhymes, music, and movement with your children.

Sheeko Caruur Af-Soomaali ah/World Language Storytime: Somali . Tue. through May 31, 6”“7 pm. La wadaag bugagga, sheekoyinka, jaan-gooyada maansada iyo muusikada Soomaalida. Age 2 and up. Experience the world in other languages. **

Kids Book Club
Fri. May 27, 4”“5 pm
Grades 4-6. Join other kids to talk about a great book! No pre-reading required. We will read a book and discuss.

Teen Programs

4-H Mentoring Club
Tues. through May 31, 5”“7 pm
Grade 6 and up. Learn about urban ecology, health and nutrition, sustainable agriculture and related careers in food science from adults and peer mentors. You also will maintain a community garden and visit local food enterprises. ***.

Career Club
Tues. through May 31, 5”“7 pm
Grade 6 and up. Meet medical, arts and teaching professionals from your community! Learn why they chose their paths and explore your own career choices!

Game On! Gaming Tuesdays
Tues. through May 31, 4”“5 p.m.
Grade 6 and up. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours. ****

Game On! Gaming Wednesdays
Wed. through May 25, 4”“5 pm
Grade 6 and up. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours.

Reading Club
Wed. through May 25, 5”“6 pm
Grade 6 and up. Come explore the literary worlds of fact, fiction and adventures! Share your ideas and creativity along the way.

Movies for Teens
Thurs. through May 26, 5”“7:30 pm. Grade 6 and up. Movie titles are chosen by teens to ensure your viewing pleasure! Join us on our comfy Teen Center couches and get the big-screen cinema feeling from our projector equipment. Game On!

Gaming Thursdays
Thurs. through May 26, 6-8 pm
Grade 6 and up. Play PS2 or Wii games at the library! Grab a friend, bring your favorite board or card game, or play ours! ***

Down Time
Every Sat. 2”“ 6 pm
Grade 6 and up. Looking for a quiet and comfortable space? Take advantage of “down time” at Franklin Teen Center! Work on the topic of the week or use our computers, board games and other self-directed activities. ***

Adult Programs
Seniors Play Reading Group

Fri. May 13, 10:30 a.m.”“12:30 pm. Join us for a stimulating morning of reading and discussion of some of the great plays of our heritage. *****

Reading Nonfiction for Elder Learners. Fri. May 13, 1”“3 pm
Join us as we read and discuss the works of significant nonfiction writers.*****

Maintain Your Brain: How to Live a Brain-Healthy Lifestyle
Tues. May 17, 2 pm. Learn how to maintain a brain-healthy lifestyle and improve the way your brain works, potentially lowering risk factors for developing Alzheimer”'s disease. Topics, based on scientific evidence, will focus on how the brain changes with age, how the heart and brain are connected, and how social connections and emotional health affect your brain. The Brain Fitness Project is supported by the U.S. Institute of Museum and Library Services under the provisions of the Library Services and Technology Act, administered in Minnesota by State Library Services & School Technology. Presented in collaboration with the Alzheimer”'s Association.

Memoir Writing Group
Thurs. May 19, 1”“2:30 pm
Would you like to create a record of your personal history? Bring what you have written and are willing to read to the group for helpful comments and suggestions. *****

Phillips Technology Center
Register online for these classes and more at or call 952-847-2925

Senior Surf Day
Wed, May 18, 10:30 a.m. ”“ 12:30 pm. Learn computer basics, how to navigate and search the Internet and how to access websites of interest to seniors. Get hands-on computer experience with help from representatives of the Senior LinkAge Line®. ******
Computer Basics Workshop
Thurs. May 19 & 26, noon”“2 pm and Friday, May 27, 1”“3 pm. Learn and bring questions about basic mouse and keyboarding skills, creating an e-mail account, using the Internet and scanning (where available).

Microsoft Excel: Basics
Thurs. May 19, 6”“8 pm
Learn the basics of working with an Excel spreadsheet: navigation, entering data and using formulas.

Social Networking: Basics
Thurs, May 20, 6”“8 pm. Learn how to navigate the new generation of social media websites including Twitter, LinkedIn and Facebook.

Microsoft Excel: Creating and Managing Lists
Fri. May 20, 10am”“noon
Learn to create lists for inventory, contacts or collections, sort data and print using Microsoft Excel. Prerequisite: Microsoft Excel Basics or familiarity with spreadsheets is highly recommended.

Microsoft PowerPoint: Basics
Thur. May 26, 6”“8 pm. Learn to create presentations and use the ribbon to create a basic slide show.

Microsoft PowerPoint: Multimedia Tips
Fri May 27, 10 am noon
Registration required, begins Apr 29. Register online or call 612.543.6925.Use multimedia tips and tricks such as auto transitions, audio and video to dress up your presentations. Prerequisite: Microsoft PowerPoint: Basics or familiarity with presentation software is highly recommended.

Franklin Learning Center:


The Franklin Learning Center offers free, one-to-one tutoring for adults who are learning English and math, preparing for the GED and citizenship exams, and gaining life skills. We are always looking for community volunteers! No experience necessary; we provide training and materials. Contact us at 952-847-2934.

* Soo bandhigidda barnaamijkan waxaa lala kaashaday Resources for Child Caring.
Presented in collaboration with the Resources for Child Caring.

** Mashruucaan waxaa lagu maalgaliyey lacag ka timid Minnesota”'s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.
This project is funded with money from Minnesota”'s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

***Made possible by the Library Foundation of Hennepin County through a grant from The McKnight Foundation

****Made possible by the Library Foundation of Hennepin County through a grant from The McKnight Foundation

***** Presented in collaboration with the Osher Lifelong Learning Institute.

****** Presented in collaboration with the Minnesota Board on Aging; Presented in collaboration with the Metropolitan Area Agency on Aging.


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