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Manz Tage: The Journey Was Chosen

Friday”“Saturday, October 28”“29, 2011

A two-day conference on the life and ministry of Paul O Manz, Cantor at Mount Olive from 1946-1983, then at Christ Seminary/Seminex and St. Luke Evangelical Lutheran Church, Chicago. Simultaneous to serving these specific communities, he served the Church at large around the world mostly with his memorable hymn festivals. What can we learn from these vast and profound experiences? How do we carry this ministry on?

Hymn Festival 

Friday, 10/28: 7:30 pm.

“The Journey Was Chosen When Water was Poured” Mount Olive Cantorei, David Cherwien organist and director


Saturday, 10/29

Victor Gebauer: “Twin Cities: Called to an Expanding World”

Mark Bangert: “Chicago: Fulfilling God”'s Calling”

Paul Westermeyer: “Cantor: the Lutheran Calling”

David Cherwien: Workshop on Liturgical Improvisation

Samuel Backman: Organ recital, music by Praetorius, Bruhns, Bach, Manz

About Paul Manz

From 1948-1983 Paul O. Manz served Mount Olive Lutheran Church at first as Director of Music and Youth Ministries, then as Cantor to Mount Olive and to the Church at large. He also taught at Concordia College, St. Paul. In 1983, at an age when most might consider retirement options, Paul and Ruth started a new chapter in their lives in the Chicago area, serving a dual call at Christ Seminary-Seminex and at the Evangelical Lutheran Church of St. Luke. During this entire time Dr. Manz traveled the country offering numerous hymn festivals, recitals, and workshops ”“ reinvigorating the Church”'s song and drawing capacity crowds who gathered to sing the great hymns of faith under his leadership.

This renowned journey always drew people beyond the man and his abilities. “The music may woo the people, but the Word will win them,” said Dr. Manz. Those who attended events led by him would talk of life-changing experiences, remembering deep encounters with the divine Word.

What can we learn from this life-changing ministry as we carry on the traditions he gave new life and form? What is our calling in response to such encounters?

Join us as we ponder these questions, as we sing to God, as we pray together, and as we honor the man and his ministry ”“ at Mount Olive Lutheran Church where that ministry matured, whose congregation first heard the choral anthem “E”'en So Lord Jesus,” whose people freed him to minister to the Church at large, and where the ashes of Ruth and Paul Manz now rest.

Manz Tage

Mount Olive Lutheran Church

3045 Chicago Ave. S., Minneapolis, MN 55407


Contact the church office: 612-827-5919 or

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