News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday March 11th 2025

“Reflections” Mirror the heart and soul of youth and elders

REFLECTIONS abound on each page of this issue. 

May your good reflections this Season of Holidays and Gatherings only be exceeded by the richness of revisited traditions and togetherness with family and friends.

Semilla Poetry Contest Winners

7-10 YRS. OLD: 

Mariposa (Sp. and Eng.)

Insectos con alas, tienen seis patas

Vuelen, comen néctar, van a México

Me hace sentir feliz, alegre


Winged insects have six legs

They fly, eat nectar, & travel to Mexico
It makes me feel happy, cheerful

By Uriel

La música

Suena bella, te hace bailar

Se mueve si la tocas, si soplas, si la ruedas

Cantando juntos me siento conectado


It sounds beautiful, it makes you dance
It moves if you play, if you blow, if you turn it round,
Singing together I feel connected

By Juan

My Community

I hope we can get more food.

I hope that my mom”'s leg gets fixed. I hope that we can get flowers. I hope that we can get an apple tree. I hope that we can get more room. To play soccer.

By Monica

My Community

I hope there are some people.

I hope my family has some pets.

I hope there are different homes.

I hope there are some elephants on the earth.

I hope there are some

people playing soccer.

By Javier

My Community

I hope people can grow more fruit

I hope my sister stops scratching me.

I hope I can be a singer.

I hope there are more books to read.

I hope there are more friends to play with.

By Marilyn


5 FIRST PRIZES:  Uriel & Juan (B112””Ms. Jill Nelson), Monica, Javier & Marilyn (B107””Ms. Paula Williamson)

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