Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday February 28th 2025

The Neighborhood That Could

The Neighborhood That Could by Ramla Abdi (9 years)

Each and every day many things happen. One day one thing happened that changed a lot in some people”'s lives. A neighborhood was full of people, grocery stores, a shoe shop, ice cream store and much more! But sadly all of it was destroyed. People got thrown out of their homes, got run out of their businesses, kids couldn”'t play in the park anymore. The next day Vroom! Screech! A freeway was built. No more people, kids, stores. All that was left was a rusty road full of cars making a lot of noise. Now people live with a big wound. But a man covered all of those wounds…Mr. Peterson. He reconnected all those friends, families and so much more. If he can build a bridge, we can make a big difference in this community. Thanks, Mr. Peterson!

What is this bridge? by Najma Abdi (11 years old)

What is this bridge I am standing on? Is it something we walk on to get across the freeway? Or is it a connection? Is it a bridge or a memory of what used to be? If you ask me, it”'s something to unite a scattered family, to remind them of a better time, a symbol that everything is not lost or forgotten. Let this bridge remind you of a better time when everyone knew their neighbors. This bridge is a forgotten connection.

Announcement of December Shenanigans: We get together monthly on the 24th St pedestrian bridge for spontaneous, interactive performance and fun. At 10pm on Wed, 12/21, we”'re gathering under the magical winter sky to commemorate the solstice. Dress warm, bring percussion/musical instruments and join us as we honor the birth of new life and new dreams.


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