News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Monday March 10th 2025

Alley Communications, Inc., producer of The Alley Newspaper: Accomplishments in 2011

Carl Peterson shown standing on the 24th Street pedestrian Bridge during the “Bridging Minneapolis” Event in 2011. Carl became 100 years old in 2011 and has lived with his wife Helen in Phillips over 70 years. Carl was at the 11-11-11 Birthday Party for Wendell Phillips and 36th Birthday of The Alley and was featured in a beautiful slid show presentation by Robert Albee that was done to music with remarks by the Bridging event creator, Dallas Johnson. Carl was “the man” behind the citizen movement to have the 24th S. bridge built forty years ago. Picture by Robert Albee

  • The Alley Newspaper was able to produce a unique issue each month that also had continuity with previous issues and past years which regularly featured articles and art produced by: Bob Albee, Erin Thomasson, Sue Hunter Weir, Patrick Cabello Hansel, Howard McQuitter, Peter Molenaar, Dave Moore, and Janice Barbee.
  • Continued multi-year exclusive publishing of these unique features found in no other newspaper:  Tales from Pioneers and Soldiers Cemeteries, “Spirit of Phillips” Cartoons and Dave”'s Dumpster, Raise Your Voice, Searching, Backyard Initiative Updates and Annual Report, and Movie Corner.
  • Published the complete monthly Calendar of the Franklin Community Library and Computer Center each month.
  • New features were added this year: the Crossword puzzle by Sami  Pfeffer and Snack Attack by Courtney Algeo.
  • We had increased coverage of the four Phillips Community Neighborhood Groups— Phillips West, Midtown Phillips, East Phillips and Ventura Village- with updates and special events by Bob Albee, Crystal Trautnau, Shirley Heyer, Joseph Spangler, Carol Pass, and Brad Pass.
  • We helped promote many neighborhood events and were active participants in some of them;
  • Midtown Fair, Bridging Festival, Taste of Phillips, concert benefit in Pioneer and Soldiers
  • Cemetery, Green Tomato Festival, Cepro Park Grand Opening, East Phillips Community Center
  • Grand Opening, King”'s Fair in Seward Neighborhood and others.
  • Dave Moore and Harvey Winje were proud to represent the Phillips Community by participating as presenters in the Wendell Phillips Bi-Centennial Symposium at Harvard University in Cambridge, MA and presentations also at Suffolk University and Old South Hall in Boston, June 2nd-4th.
  • Dave Moore”'s and Linnea Hadaway”'s  63 “Spirit of Phillips” cartoons have been produced as greeting cards and are available from Alley Communications, Seward Co-op Grocery and Boneshaker Bookstore.  (call 612-990-4022 for more info.)
  • Harvey Winje and Susan Gust have continued to be active members of the Communications CHAT of the Backyard Initiative and helped to actively involve The Alley Newspaper and promote the work of the BYI and the other CHAT teams.
  • As a nonprofit, tax exempt organization, we benefited from increased ads and financial donations from the four neighborhoods of Phillips Community.
  • A new fundraising campaign called Alley Allies was begun.
  • A successful  Fundraiser/Annual Meeting event was held in November 2011 to celebrate  our 36th Year and  the 200th Birthday of Wendell Phillips with special  presentations by Dave Moore, Josie Winship (impersonating Queen Elizabeth II), and Wendell Phillips Biographer, James Stewart, (impersonating Wendell Phillips) about the life and mission of Ann and Wendell Phillips.
  • A new initiative has been launched to bring the history and present-day importance of Wendell Phillips into local schools and, perhaps, senior residences.
  • We will end the year with all the bills paid!
  • The Alley has been able to inform readers about many community organizations and events throughout 2011.  The following organizations and events have been included in the pages of  The Alley Newspaper over the past year in articles and/or public service announcements:
  • Premiere of “A Poet Poets” documentary of Roy McBride, Open Arms and Open Farms,  Rebirthing Community CHAT, Swedish Art Institute-Victor Borge Exhibit Grand Opening of the Eastside Neighborhood Services-Internet for Seniors, Phillips Neighborhood Clinic special events and services, Public Notice that ReUse Center and parent owner Green Institute were closed and dissolved,  Street Sculptures by Andrew Moore, Lake Street Council special events and projects, In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre plays and workshops, Midtown Greenway Coalition events and advisories, Growing in the Backyard CHAT, Seward Co-op Grocery special programs, Updates on Powerline Controversy, Concrete Beet Farmers, Memorial Day at Pioneer and Soldiers Cemetery, Global Poverty Summit, Gardening Matters seminars, Pow-Wow Grounds Coffee, Special $640,00 Gift to HN Libraries, Native American Community Development Institute New Office, All My Relations Gallery Grand Opening,  Julie Johnson and the No-Accounts Concert, Mpls. Park Board Volunteer Awards, Community Garden Spring Resource Fair, St. Paul”'s Church- Semilla Project & Taste of Phillips Art Festival,  Noche de Paz-Night of Peace, Spring Family Carnival,-South Area Community Education, Hennepin County Franklin Library, Transition Town Phillips, Summer of Solutions, Minneapolis Parks and Recreation Board, Friends of the Cemetery events and fundraising, “Tell Me a Story” Communications CHAT, May Day Parade, Open Eye Figure Theatre, Ventura Village, Backyard Initiative,  Hennepin County Economic Assistance, Midtown Farmers Market, Metro Independent Business Alliance,  Powderhorn Art Fair, Out in the Backyard CHAT, Old Arizona, National Night Out, Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association, Inc., Amen Corner, Running Wolf Fitness Center, Midtown Global Market-Apple and Cheese Festival and other special events, Woman Against Military Madness, Mt. Olive Church-Paul Manz Tage Concerts, Backyard Initiative and Midtown Global Market Jazz Festival, Seward Empty Bowls, Clean Sweep Green Sweep, Holy Rosary Dinner and Festival, Cepro Park and Amphi-Theatre, Green Tomato Cook-Off, Jeremy Messersmith in Concert at Pioneer and Soldiers Cemetery, Anna Stanley Art Show, East Phillips Improvement Coalition, Circle of Healing CHAT, Walker Church and Mined Arts- Expression for Wellness and Effectiveness, Somaili Women”'s Health Support CHAT, People Incorporated Mental Health Services-Huss Center for Recovery and Stark Mental Health Clinic, Phillips West Neighborhood Organization, Stewart Park, East Phillips Park, Peavey Park, Powderhorn Park Neighborhood Association, Powderhorn Empty Bowls, A Peace of My Mind, A-POD CHAT, American Indian Community Development Corp.-Bii Di Dash Anwebi Elder Housing, Minnesota Center for Book Arts-2011 Winter Book, Plymouth Congregational Church-Nobel in Literature Poetry Reading by MN Poet Laureate Robert Bly, 9th Ward Councilmember Notices, Dakota Language Revitalization CHAT.

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