When: Sunday June 3rd, 2012
Where: Minnehaha Park Wabun Shelter “D” (Directions on back)
Schedule of Events
10:15 Hymn Sing
10:45 Bilingual Worship Service
11:30 Picnic Photo
12:00 Potluck Picnic
Meat and Beverages, provided ~Please bring salad, hotdish or dessert to share
Come and Participate in our Picnic of the Century!
Celebrate with Fellowship, Music and (of course) Food!
 For more information call the office at 612-724-3862 or stpaulscreate@gmail.com
Directions to Minnehaha Park and Wabun Shelter “D”
From St Paul”'s Church:
- Go East on 28th St. to Hiawatha Ave.
- Go South (right) on Hiawatha Ave. to E. 46th St.
- Go East (left) on E. 46th St to Minnehaha Ave.
- Go South (right) Minnehaha Ave.
- Pass all the way through the “round- about” and continue going East on West River Rd.
- Pass the first series of “Falls” parking and continue on to the “Wabun Picnic Area”
- Turn right into the park. We will be in Shelter “D”