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Celebrating 50 Years of Community News in Phillips!
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Friday February 28th 2025

PROJECT S.E.L.F. (Save, Educate, Liberate, Free) CHAT

Recent Project S.E.L.F. Annual Ice Cream Social and Free Henna Decoration

Project S.E.L.F. (SAVE EDUCATE LIBERATE FREE) is an Immigrant Health CHAT group that established a program called “Nomadic Expressions” which aims to assist youth, elders and families in healthy living and artistic expressions through poetry, open microphone performances, information workshops and community dialogue.

The face of immigrant youth in our society has been negative as there is often more emphasis on those engaged in negative behaviors. Immigrant youth in our community are misguided and confused by conflicting messages between mainstream society and their original cultural ways. Communication across generations is strained and challenging. Youth are not responsive to guidance from the elders and are conflicted by peer pressure.

Our CHAT works to solve this problem by improving the health of the people living in the BYI through Nomadic Expressions, especially elders and youth. These activities help to bridge the gap between the older and younger community members to encourage healthy relationships through various artistic mediums. Nomadic Expressions host community engagement and dialogue activities, cultural celebrations and creative workshops where youth and elders can share their stories including Open Mic Shop and traditional Under the Tree storytelling. The storytelling sessions (Sheeko Sheeko) occur twice a month. Project S.E.L.F. CHAT was founded by Amged Yusuf, a poet and Spoken Word artist.

There are many activities which the Project S.E.L.F. CHAT has helped to coordinate over the past year. One of the most recent ones occurred on Saturday evening, June 23 when women and children gathered on a beautiful summer”'s evening for an annual Ice Cream Social, free henna and to socialize while their children played. For more information, visit projectSELF@facebook.com.

CHAT Members include: Fatima Mohamud, Muski Abdulle, Amged Yusuf, Sahra Ismail, Jama Mohamed, Fowzia Mohamed, Maryan Ali, Fowzia Mohamud, Hiba Abdulkadir, Ahmed Ali, Mohamed Mohamud, Shukri Mirre

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