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Wednesday March 12th 2025

Need a Building? The OLD Waite House is Available

Act Fast! Deadline is Nov. 8, 2012 at 4PM

With the Waite House program  entrenched in their new digs in the Phillips Community Center at 2323 11th Avenue, the question of  the old building”'s use rises. The old “Waite House” building which is now referred to as “The Property at 2539 13th Ave. S.” was built in the late 1960s using federal funds. The funds were passed through the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) to Pillsbury United Communities”' Waite House. The MPRB is the owner of the land and building, but has never occupied it.

In spite of the fact that 2539 13th Ave. S. has served the South Minneapolis community, especially the Phillips Neighborhoods, extremely well for forty-two years, the MPRB is not interested in continuing to own or operate the building.

“Due to significant interest in the property by the community and because of the property”'s prominence in the community, the MPRB believes it is important to conduct a request for proposals (RFP) process that engages the community and focuses on compatible reuse while meeting the financial interests of the MPRB.” “The MPRB approved a community-based disposition process for property at 2539 13th Ave. S. The resolution initiates a charge to the Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association to inclusively solicit and recommend proposals that meet the needs of the neighborhood and the financial interests of the MPRB.”

“The Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association has appointed a Reuse Committee to make a recommendation to the MPRB on the sale of the property. The Reuse Committee will have representatives that will represent the various interests of the community. A survey will be used to collect ideas and preferences from the community to help inform the decision making process. Any interested person or party may submit a proposal to purchase the building and property.”

“The Reuse Committee will also be developing evaluation criteria that will reflect the interests of the community and will be used to score and rate the proposals.  The Reuse Committee may interview those that have submitted a proposal.  The recommendation of the Reuse Committee will be made to the MPRB in December and will include a public hearing on the recommendation.  A final decision is expected in January, 2013.  To stay up to date on the process, please go to the MPRB web site for the latest information and updates”. (P. 2

“Building and site plans will be provided at the on site tours scheduled for Thursday, October 11th, Thursday, October 18th, Thursday, October 25th, Thursday, November 1st  from noon to 2 pm.”

At the time of writing, the RFP was not yet posted on the MPRB website, but there is more information at:   You may contact: Don Siggelkow, phone 612-760-4459 . Also contact the members of Midtown Phillip”'s Reuse Committee through Dan or Kelly Wilder, Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association Phone 612-419-

“A copy of the building condition assessment, completed by ICS Consulting is available at the MPRB web site:

A copy of the appraisal completed for the building and property, completed by Walker Appraisals is available at the MPRB web site:  ”.

**Copied from  Draft MPRB RFP Reuse of Property at 2539 13th Ave. S. For release Oct. 1, 2012)


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One Response to “Need a Building? The OLD Waite House is Available”

  1. Kelly says:

    You can also find information on Midtown Phillips’ website at

    Thanks for getting the word out,

    Kelly Wilder
    Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Assoc. board member

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