News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday March 12th 2025

One Year Success at PCC: Ideas Welcome

As I am writing this article, It seems incredible that Running Wolf Fitness Center will soon be celebrating its one year anniversary! Running Wolf Fitness Center opened its doors last year on October 17th, 2011. Just a bit of an update on Running Wolf for this last year.

We are located in the Phillips Community Center building located at 2323 11th Avenue South in Minneapolis. Since we opened there have also been many additions to the rest of the building with other agencies and the Minneapolis Park Board. So it is a much busier place! Agencies that are in the building are:

Waite House

Guri Nabad

Ventura Village Neighborhood Assn

A Partnership of Diabetics  -APOD

Minneapolis Swims

The Park Board staffs the newly renovated double gym and teen center and other community rooms

Running Wolf Fitness Center

The Phillips Community Center is fast becoming a great neighborhood resource and wellness hub and we are already working together to help the neighborhoods be healthier as we all collaborate and plan for the future!

Running Wolf Fitness Center (a collaborative effort between Indian Health Board of Minneapolis and Native American Community Clinic) has registered over 700 clients this year! We also continue to have ongoing relationships with schools and agencies who send their students and clients. We work with ages 8 and up. Currently our oldest client is 83 and he is a great motivator for everyone who comes to work out when he is here! We also encourage families to come together and work out. It”'s great to see mothers and daughters, fathers and sons all working out in a class or on the fitness machines together. We have some brothers and sisters who are actually competing with each other too. So that makes it fun for them. That is their motivation. We have great volunteers that have been teaching our many fitness and health classes and we owe them many thanks for their support of Running Wolf and the health of this neighborhood.

We have shared success stories by having our clients tell their stories in the Alley monthly and we have also seen many other success stories that haven”'t been shared, but have been realized by the clients who make the commitment to come regularly to Running Wolf and work out, attend a nutrition or health education class.  They are often are best marketing as they tell others about Running Wolf.

While Running Wolf Fitness Center has had many successes and growth this last year, we have an ongoing struggle with funding. So we are asking the community to pool their collective ideas and suggestions and of course money to help us maintain Running Wolf Fitness Center for the neighborhood. If you have any ideas or suggestions please feel free to either call or email us!

Running Wolf staff and Clients are grateful for your support and we invite you to stop by our facility, meet our great staff and experience our yoga or Cardio-kickboxing classes.  Come and see that this is the place for you to realize better health and wellbeing!

Here is the contact information for Running Wolf Fitness Center:


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