News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday March 12th 2025

2529 13th Ave. Property Past, Present, and Future

Watch for article about Banyan Lighthouse program by Naomi Mohammed in The Alley November issue.

By Joani Essenburg, Banyan Community Executive Director

There are several visible changes to the landscape of the 2500 block of 13th Avenue due to number of neighborhood decisions made by a variety of people. Though the change may seem drastic, one thing has remained constant: neighborhood outreach.

PAST: Back in 1970, the 2500 block of 13th had some major changes as the government decided to grant several lots to Pillsbury United Communities to establish a building and presence. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board received the grant for the Pillsbury United Communities and leased the land back to them so they could proceed. The “Waite House” made this location their home for 42 years, until May of 2012 when their lease expired. The Park Board then entered into another lease agreement with the Waite House (Pillsbury United Communities) at the Phillips Community Center at 2323 13th Ave. South””Just two blocks north of their previous site. The great news is that Waite House is still around providing the wonderful resources that community members need and enjoy. The new location allows them to expand their services and be in a more comfortable and roomy space””still in the geographic location that Waite House has served for so many years. Check out their new spot!

PRESENT: In the meantime, the vacancy at 2529 13th meant that a public process would take place to decide the new owner of this land parcel, since the Minneapolis Park and Recreation board declared the property surplus property. The Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) initiated a process beginning in fall of 2012 and authorized the Midtown Phillips Neighborhood Association to establish a “ReUse Committee” and charged the committee with managing a Request for Proposal (RFP) process to bring a recommendation to the Park Board Commissioners. The process included an RFP, survey of community needs, open meetings for discussion, neighborhood vote, and a public hearing. At the January 2013 meeting of the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board; the neighborhood recommendation was affirmed by the Park Board Commissioners that Banyan Community would be the new owner of the parcel. A new page in the history of 2529 13th Avenue has begun as Banyan closed on the land purchase in March of 2013.

FUTURE: At the very end of August the old Waite House building was demolished and the land cleared to make way for a new development. Banyan Community has conceptual drawings of a new community center to be built on site that can be viewed on their website: Banyan is a long time community organization beginning in 1998 in the home of Tim and Joani Essenburg on 16th Ave. Banyan currently operates out of the old Oliver Church building on Bloomington Ave. South and is looking forward to a new permanent home on 13th to continue the tradition of neighborhood outreach.

2647 Bloomington Ave. South, Mpls, MN 55407.

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