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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday July 17th 2024

Midtown Corridor Study: How about Traffic Calming Initiatives?


A Midtown Corridor transit alternatives study recommends rail in the Midtown Greenway and enhanced bus service (EBS)on Lake St. as the best long-term transit solution as funding is available.

This Locally Preferred Alternative is by the Policy Advisory Committee (PAC); community and business representatives & Metro.Council, HN County and City of Mpls. appointed officials.

4.4-mile transitway between the METRO Blue Line”'s Lake St./Midtown Station and the proposed West Lake Station on the METRO Green Line Extension (Southwest LRT).

Improved stations would be built every .5 mile on Lake St. Buses would continue operating in mixed traffic with less stops, off-board fare payment and signal priority. The improvements would extend into StP on Marshall Ave. connecting with the METRO Green Line”'s Snelling Ave. Station on University Ave.

Midtown Greenway rail would run south of the bike trail with single-car trains.

EBS is better traveling shorter distances; Rail is better  as a crosstown connection of light-rail lines & bus lines.

Travel Times: West Lake St.-METRO Blue Line”'s Lake St. Station = 42 minutes. EBS = 30 minutes Rail =13 minutes.

Ridership: 14,600 customers ea.weekday. EBS bus &rail,  projection =32,000 riders/day by 2030.

Cost: EBS and rail are estimated at $235 million to $270 million to build and $15 million a year to operate.


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