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Thursday March 13th 2025

BYI Out In the Backyard CHAT Healing Circle

by Leila Sarene and Harry Ford

BYI Community Health Action Teams or CHATS, Circle of Healing and Out In the Backyard, together with the Cultural Wellness Center have partnered to create community healing space. The primary goal is to provide opportunities to members of the LGBTQ community and their allies to build knowledge and practices related to understanding the healing power of community connection. For healing to take place, the group is discovering each person must begin to create space for trusting relationships. 

The group began its process with uncovering the collective understanding of what it means to trust. Trust is a critical element in the function of community. When people are able to trust themselves and one another, growth is possible. As we examined how each person viewed trust it became clear that a lack of trust contributes to the fear and isolation that is present for many of the circle members. Healing began with using the space to share with each other our vulnerabilities and strengths. 

Together, the circle members are building a picture of where they are headed towards feeling whole. The circle is working on understanding the role each person plays in the function of community and how this impacts their own growth and development. Each person is a critical piece to the reality of the community being built through a collective unfolding of wisdom and understanding related to the collective realization of our visions. 

The circle is gathering together, each person seeking self in the reflection of one another”'s truths, stories and wisdoms. Gathering together is a helpful reminder to each person that we are not alone. Community is built on trusting what each person carries on the inside ourselves. This trust also requires each person face what might appear to be most uncomfortable in ourselves and in those around us. 

The Out In the Backyard Healing Circle members are journeying toward knowledge of self. The Circle is learning to give of self to one another creates space for the greatest level of shared humanity. It is this shared humanity that gives this circle power to create space to heal and be transformed. 

BYI Out In the Backyard Healing Circle meetings will begin this autumn. For more information on this healing circle please contact Leila at 

BYI Circle of Healing CHAT Upcoming Events


  • Fall Equinox, September 27th, 6pm
  • Winter Solstice, December 22nd, 6pm

Regular Circle of Healing meetings occur on the 4th Monday of each month, 6-8 pm.

Upcoming Meeting Dates: August 25, September 22, October 27, November 24, December 22

NOTE: All meetings are held at the Cultural Wellness Center

2025 Portland Avenue South

Mpls., MN 55404


For more information please contact Brother Harry at 

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