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Wednesday March 5th 2025

Minnesota Department Of Natural Resources Celebrates Arbor Month By Encouraging Tree Planting And Education

1300 kids having Arbor Day Fun at Stewart Park with MNDNR and MPR Photo courtesy of MP&G Marketing Solutions

1300 kids having Arbor Day Fun at Stewart Park with MNDNR and MPR
Photo courtesy of MP&G Marketing Solutions

May 14 Arbor Day celebration to include the planting of 150 trees by 1,300 Minneapolis students

With Arbor Day and Arbor Month just around the corner, the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources (DNR) wants to encourage residents to plant more trees. This year”'s theme “Plant Strong, Live Long” focuses on the importance of proper tree planting.

DNR is providing a variety of resources to help Minnesotans get their trees off to a long, healthy life. Resources include simple, how-to instructions in a handy “Pocket Guide to Planting Trees.” The guide, available on the DNR website, highlights the variety of planting methods for various types of trees being planted: bareroot, burlap wrapped or container. Also available on the DNR website is a short video  How to Plant Tree Seedlings  that provides easy to follow tips and tricks.

Another important factor in the overall health of the state”'s tree population is diversity. That is why as part of this year”'s state celebration, the DNR is partnering with the Minneapolis Park and Recreation Board (MPRB) to plant more than 150 trees from 14 botanical families, 29 genera, and 50 different species (or cultivars) as part of the annual Minneapolis Arbor Day celebration.

On May 14, 1,300 kindergarten through eighth grade students from Andersen United Community School will learn first hand how to properly plant trees in the park next door to their school. From 8 a.m. to 10:15 a.m., students will work together with their parents and teachers to plant, mulch and water trees throughout Stewart Park in the Phillips Neighborhood. The event will conclude with a 12:45 p.m. to 1:45 p.m. official ceremony with  In the Heart of the Beast Puppet and Mask Theatre providing educational entertainment and a choir performance by 150

4th-graders singing the praises of trees.

According to MPRB Sustainable Forestry Coordinator Philip Potyondy, “Planting a diversity of trees ensures a strong urban forest. None of the trees we will be planting is susceptible to Asian longhorned beetle, emerald ash borer, or Dutch elm disease.”

More Info:

Fruits of the City will also be on hand to talk about their program and the benefits of fruit trees. Fruit trees are among the trees being planted, which also include shade trees, conifers, flowering trees, and nut trees. Some of the common names of more than 150 trees being planted are Douglas Fir, Tamarack, Ponderosa Pine, Lilac, Dogwood, Magnolia, Cherry, Plum, Apricot, Pear, Hickory, Filbert, Walnut, Beech, Cork, several varieties of Oak, and Ginkgo.

For more  information on how to plant  trees,  the many  benefits trees  provide and the 2015 State Arbor Month Celebration, visit:

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