News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Life after 40


What will “Life after 40 years old” be for The Alley Newspaper?

“Has The Alley Newspaper served a purpose? If so, what is it?”

The answers to these questions from our readers, our writers, our advertisers, our supporters will lead Alley Communications into reinvigorating and more importantly, revising what we do and how we do it beginning in 2016””a year of Anniversary Celebration and Deliberation.

Enjoy the beginning of the Anniversary Celebration at the “Life After 40 Exhibit” with highlights of our 40 YEARS of publishing on December 16th 2015; 5:00 PM to 8:00 PM at the American Swedish Institute, 2600 Park Avenue, Mpls. The American Swedish Institute is the our community”'s castle!

That evening is also the American Swedish Institute”'s Holiday Open House for the Phillips Community without Admission Charge. Come and celebrate the importance of cultural identity through seeing some of the arts and crafts in this architectural treasure of our community. Enjoy some lite holiday refreshments and remarkable winter holiday decorations throughout the Turnblad mansion. If you have never been there before, this is a great opportunity to enjoy the whole castle and their new, modern Nelson Cultural Center with its restaurant called FIKA.

If you”'ve been there before, you”'ll know you want to seize this no-admission fee opportunity because every year is excitingly different. This year also has the opportunity to see The Alley Newspaper”'s “Life After 40 Exhibit.” Alley Communications is pleased and grateful to be able to have ASI host this exhibit at this marvelous home of the Turnblad Family, publishers of Svenska Amerikanska Posten, a Swedish Newspaper from 1885 to 1940 and eventually increased circulation to 40,000 by Turnblads”' ownership that began in 1897. Swan Turnblad began as a typesetter and Christina a housemaid and bookkeeper. Their life is truly a “rags to riches” story of immigration to America and reminderof most Americans having immigrant heritage.

Wander through the entire castle, chat with neighbors, enjoy a few refreshments, visit The Alley Newspaper exhibit featuring interactive displays. Catch the spoken word-rap-poetry “Wendell Phillips: Agitation is the Atmosphere of the Brains”Â by Phillips resident and The Alley Newspaper cartoonist Dave Moore, producer of “Spirit of Phillips” and Dave”'s Dumpster [see front page]. For more information, call Harvey Winje, Alley Communications, 612-990-4022.

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