News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Thursday March 13th 2025

Resilient responses amidst turmoil


  • “Alley oops” is when a basketball player throws the ball near the basket and another player stuffs it through the net for a score.  Alley Communications gives chances for others to “score” by telling their stories and opinions.
  • American Indian Community Development Corporation and Indian Health Board bought the Blue Nile Restaurant; now what?
  • Changing Climate and the Accord agreed by 195 nations in Paris is a monumental development of 2015 ready for action in 2016.
  • Buildings between 19th and 21st Avenues on Lake Street and the Brown Institute/Community Ed Bldg. at Hiawatha and Lake will be razed for new developments.  Action is still happening to save the history of one of those structures that has been a church, a lodge hall, and a factory for Burma-Shave and its highway ad signage.
  • Expansion of bread production and employment at Franklin Street Bakery results in closing of retail bake goods shop.
  • Finalizing of scope, plans, and finances of the renovation and reopening of the Phillips Pool into the Phillips Aquatic Center begins a new era in the five-decade saga of this 1972 addition to Wendell Phillips Junior High School, demolished in 1984.
  • Gardening for Health by individuals, block cubs, and organizations to localize healthy food supply and encourage that availability to everyone.
  • Hope Community and Aeon Corporation completed their acquisition and newest building””The Rose, named for Sister Rose Tillmans, founder of Peace House– of affordable housing and retail on all four corners of Franklin and Portland Avenues thus adding to three decades of community organizing and sustainable development of that northwest segment of Phillips Community.
  • Light Rail Transit has been a catalyst for apartment and retail development wherever rails are laid. One of the most collaborative such actions began and will continue for a decade in four phases costing $200 Million at Hiawatha and Lake Street.  Partners are Corcoran  Neighborhood Organization, Midtown Farmer”'s Market, Hennepin County, BKV Group and L&H Station Development, LLC.  Resulting in 100,000 square feet of County social service offices, about 16,000 square feet of retail space and up to 565 housing units ”” all built around an outdoor public market close to a busy light rail stop.
  • Jousting by City; the land use dispute at the Roof Depot site between neighbors and City of Mpls. is like a martial game between two horsemen wielding lances endeavoring to strike the opponent while riding towards one another at high speed to break opponent”'s lance or knock the opponent off the horse. Once defeated by neighborhood opposition and Owner”'s decision to not sell, the City surprised all by pulling out a new weapon, eminent domain, prolonging the contest and betraying neighborhood preferences.
  • Keeping Vigilance is a constant necessity adhering to the advice of Wendell Phillips, “Power is ever stealing from the many to the few.”
  • Laundering by Norway House in their newly purchased building at Elliott and Franklin Avenues until they demolish the building after raising $13 Million to build Phase II of their plans.  Meanwhile success exceeds projections of their new gallery, Also Ingebretsens Deli and Gift Shop, and office complex.
  • Morphing of the space between 14th and 15th on East Lake Street from eight decade, staple clothing retailer Kaplan Bros into upscale Quruxlow Restaurant opening soon.
  • Negotiating for Change in Equity and Power .
  • Organizing continues annually in superb fashion for the Green Sweep/Clean Sweep Events,  Neighborhood Festivals, and Annual Gatherings.
  • Protesting Traffic Dangers that trouble pedestrians, bikers and drivers at many local spots; this year  attention was drawn to the hazards where 11th Avenue intersects with 26th Street without protective signage or street marking.
  • Quoting Wendell Phillips often monthly and turning 90+ into cartoons for our edification, Dave Moore and Linnea Hadaway bring his social justice campaign into the 21st Century from the 19th Century.  See Dave”'s written version of his rap/spoken word poem explaining Wendell Phillips the Agitator on page 11 of this Alley Newspaper.
  • Rising of East Franklin Avenue and East Lake Street over the past four and one half decades is remarkable and not as heralded as it deserves.  Why?
  • Staging possibilities by PPL remain to be seen as they utilize the New Franklin Theater building they bought in December adjacent to their 11th and East Franklin headquarters.
  • Talking Together happens a lot in our communities although there can never be too much as long as it is leads to cohesiveness and sustainable results.
  • Uprooting Banyan Community to their new building where Groundbreaking happened in 2015, will happen in 2016 on 13th Avenue between 25th and 26th Streets while still leaving them “rooted” in programming in the Phillips Community.  They have been at 26th and Bloomington after their beginning on 25th and 16th Avenue.
  • Voting in 2016 will have substantial impact on the future.
  • Welcoming Immigrants to an immigrant community is a constant obligation and privilege.
  • Xeroxing and printing happening more than is healthy for everyone just like everywhere else.
  • Yearning for justice and peace continues to keep hope alive and stimulate action.
  • Zoning of Biking lanes happened with substantial changes to driving lanes and some amenities that were ill-advised are already changed.  Reviews of the changes are mixed; a full year of use is needed for an accurate assessment of their value use.

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