News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Thursday March 13th 2025

LOOK! Just Half of the BACKYARD INITIATIVE Activities in March!!!

A partial sampling of the activities hosted by the leaders and members of the BYI Community Health Action Teams (CHATs). Watch for the activities from the other CHATs to be featured on the BYI Back Page in the May issue! There is so much happening, there was not room to list all of the exciting happenings!


Anchor Families


1. Roundtable Connection: Helping elders and mothers to come together to talk (Every Tuesday)

2. Learn How to Learn: understanding how to learn and why for many of us it”'s hard to learn. (Once a week)

3. Homework Help: Helping kids and adults with their homework. (Every Wednesday)

4. Parenting for Success; How to parent in a new country and at same time to keep what we come with ”“ our culture and language. (Every Saturday)


1. Grocery Shopping: Assist those who are unable to get out to access healthy, nutritious foods and not over spend their budget. (4 days/week) 2735 15th Ave. S.

2. Door Knocking: In partnership with 3 building leaders, provide daily check-ins for health purposes, prevent isolation, and provide human contact. (Daily) .

3. Game Night: Residents come together over games and fun. (Tuesdays.)

4. Movie Night: Connection and fun. (Fridays.)


1. Patrolling and Door Knocking: Patrolling as part of the neighborhood watch to increase safety, randomly knocking on doors to connect with the neighbors. 3 block radius (5 days/week)

2. Maintaining Community Connection: I go around the neighborhood knocking on my neighbors”' doors to check on them and keep communication going between us on what is happening in our neighborhood. (Every Friday)

3. Gathering: Neighbors will come together to connect, share, have fun by story-telling, dancing, singing, etc., and food will be served, you provide main dish, and neighbors will provide health side dishes and share their recipes. .


1. Crime Prevention/Healthy Recipes: Gathering on March 26- I will door knock a week before. The recipes are for people that have diabetes (recipes that are low in sugar and salt.

Cook for APOD Breakfast

*CHARLES HORN TOWERS ”“ 31st Street and Blaisdell Ave.; *FIFTH AVENUE TOWERS ”“ West Phillips *PENTAGON APARTMENTS ”“ Ventura Village

1. Somali Language A-POD Weekly Meetup: Somali Elder men and women participants are assisted in addressing personal pressing issues and develop empowerment protocols that enable them to more effectively manage their Type 2 diabetes. This process involves a review by a PharmD of each participant”'s medications along with a survey of other chronic health conditions and livability challenges faced by lack of insurance or low incomes. (3 times/week)

PHILLIPS COMMUNITY CENTER – 2323 11th Avenue South

2. English Language A-POD Weekly Meetup: Participants address personal pressing issues and develop empowerment protocols that enable them to more effectively manage their Type 1 or Type 2 diabetes, along with any other chronic health conditions and livability challenges faced by lack of insurance or low incomes. (Once a week.)

3. Monthly Diabetes Breakfast: Participants are treated to a chef-prepared breakfast meal and a featured speaker of the month. (Once a month.)


Circle of Healing


1.  Spring Solstice: This event is held to celebrate the change of the seasons. It is an acknowledgement of the forces that impact the lives of people on the planet.

SUMMARY: Numbers of CHAT Activities for January & February


Project SELF (Save, Educate, Liberate, and Free)


1. Nomadic Expression: A monthly, open-mic event that caters to youth, elders and community organizations. (about once a week-various locations- Pangea World Theater, Safari, and Coyle Center)

2. Women Sharing Stories/Working Together Toward Health: A few East African women get together and share stories among each other. Topics: Parents working together toward family stability; How to be parent in a positive way, keeping our values and customs. Teaching parents how to shop for less. Winter safety, summer safety, etc.

3. Eating Well with Heart Disease. Discussion with dinner. (private home-West Phillips)

All Backyard Initiative CHAT activities are organized around these four Health Priorities

1. Social Cohesion: The sense of community and belonging that community members have. Community members feel they live in a place where people trust and respect each other and have a sense of responsibility to take care of each other.

2. Social Support: The support that a community member receives from and gives to the community members around them, including emotional and spiritual support, help with daily needs and crises, and the sharing of advice, information, and feedback.

3. Health Education: The degree to which community members and their families have the capacity to obtain, process, and understand basic information and services needed to make appropriate decisions regarding their health. This includes information about what is essential to health (the importance of the family, community, spirituality, the environment, culture, food, sleep, and movement) as well as the medical information needed to address a specific health condition.

4. Health Empowerment: Community members are active participants in their self-care, and have the knowledge, skill, and confidence to manage their health and health care and collaborate with health practitioners.

For more information about the Backyard Initiative, visit the BYI Resource Center on south edge of the Midtown Global Market or call 612-353-6211

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