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Friday March 14th 2025

Rave and/or Save Burma-Shave: Burma Shave Vine Church History Sidewalk Ӣ Rally May 7th 2 PM Ӣ 2019 East Lake Street

May 7th 2 PM Ӣ 2019 East Lake Street


Join us for a sidewalk rally to kick off our fundraiser for a historic survey of this historic building, the original factory building (1925-1940) for Burma-Shave shaving cream and signs. The building was built in 1882 and move to the site in 1892, and we have located a horse who is a descendent of one of the horses who moved the building here in 1892. The horse will be present on Saturday to answer all your questions. There will be a jingle writing competition, a clean shave competition, a choir to sing early American music and a band to play Sousa era marches. Rain or shine, come and have some fun and SAVE THE SHAVE!!!!!

Happy May Day and thanks again for your support for the interesting history of the building at 2019 East Lake Street where Burma Shave began.

We are getting closer to the day when we can gain access to the building and under the guidance of the Preservation Alliance of Minnesota (PAM), begin an official historic survey.

In pursuance of this goal we are hosting a Sidewalk Rally at 2 pm on Saturday May 7th at the site of the building, 2019 E. Lake Street.

We will have music, costumed dignitaries, celebrity judges for jingle writing and clean shave competitions. We think we have located a descendant of one of the horses that helped move the building in 1892 who will be present to answer your questions.

This will all be done to publicize the rich history of this site and to raise money for the historic survey.

PAM has agreed to be the fiscal agent, and please go to and make a tax deductible contribution to the special fund set up for the Burma Shave History Vine Church Project, and we”'ll see you all at 2pm on May 7th for the Sidewalk Rally!

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