News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

ALLEY OOPS? The danger of a single story underscores the value of everyone telling their own story

The changing of property ownership was a general theme in both July and August issues of The Alley Newspaper.  The Monopoly board game was employed as a quick way to characterize the demeanor and outcome of many such changes.

Apparently, The Alley Newspaper misrepresented one such possible change on the July”'s front page in July and the editorial in August when it referred to an offer by Children”'s MN Hospitals and Clinics to purchase Messiah Church at properties at 725 East 25th Street, 2504 Columbus Ave. and an empty lot at 2501 Park Avenue.

Several sources provided information which lead to the inclusion of those properties.  We have now been told informally that the Children”'s MN purchase offer is only for the 725 E. 25th St. Church building and does NOT include any of the property between Columbus and Park Avenues.

Because the information The Alley Newspaper printed came from what appeared to be valid sources, we assume that that same information is shared by others as well.

The Alley Newspaper sincerely desires to have accuracy prevail.  With that goal in mind, The Alley Newspaper has offered Messiah Church Congregation to write their own article about the state of their properties since those properties considerably impact the community as a whole.

Messiah Church has declined that offer apparently due to insufficient time and a disposition favoring it being better to “let sleeping dogs lie.”

The Alley Newspaper does not practice classic journalism that purports to have unbiased reported news.  Instead, this newspaper favors everyone telling their own story that is subjective and biased.  We believe the lack of transparency about any issue is what leads to speculation and the transfer of misinformation that often fuels addition conflict and contention.

There is danger in a single story so The Alley Newspaper invites response to all articles in order that variant viewpoints can be known and a dialogue can happen.

Note on Current Status: The Heritage Commission voted to request a study of Messiah at its June 21, 2016, meeting and the church is currently under interim protection for a period of one year with the possibility of an extension.  Once the study is completed the Commissioners will vote on whether or not the church is a landmark.  If it is determined that it is, demolition permits are issued only if the property is unsafe or not economically viable.  The final decision is by the Mpls. City Council.

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