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News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday July 16th 2024

Phillips Community”'s Clean Sweep Event has many successful results


ThePhillips Community”'s Clean Sweep Even each year results in many tangible and intangible results.

2015 Clean Sweep is October 8th. See page 4 for details.

The tangible results are relatively easy to measure and are listed here for 2014 and 2015.

The intangible, while no less worthy, vary from subtle to profound and are felt by hundreds of people yet impossible to put in lists. The most tangible hint of the vast participation and community-building that happens is seeing everyone wearing a T-Shirt designed just for this day. See who designed this year”'s T-Shirt and her story on page 2.

Leaders from all four of the Phillips Community Neighborhoods and Little Earth of United Tribes unite to plan, fundraise money, gather donations of food, gloves, tools, and bags.

They are also successful in coalescing scores of residents, businesses, and institution to walk and work bagging trash ready for the city”'s drivers with compactor trucks.

2014 / 2015 Pounds of Trash Totals:

Ventura Village ”“ 6,480 / 4,800

West Phillips ”“ 2,920 / 8,740

Midtown Phillips ”“ 5,020 / 10,940

East Phillips ”“ 9,860 / 12,360

Specialty Trucks picked up:

4,300 / 2,500 lbs of metal; 30 / 32 TV”'s;10 / 14 Appliances; 0 / 69

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