ASI Turnblad Family Mansion on a Winter Night at 2600 Park Avenue
ASI Holiday Rooms Public Tours
Daily, Tu”“Sun Nov. 15, 2016 ”“ Jan. 8, 2017
Enjoy a popular Mpls. holiday destination;Â Holiday Rooms, of Nordic traditions from homes of Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Iceland, Finland & a room honoring Hanukkah by the Jewish Community Relations Council of Minnesota & the Dakotas. Incl with Museum adm.
Aurora Borealis Series”“Photographs by Jim Brandenburg: striking images from 30 years with National Geographic; loaned by Sivertson Gallery, Grand Marais, MN.
The Royal Copenhagen / Bing & Grøndahl Handpainted Christmas Plates 1895 to 2016. (donated by Mary Jane Thompson).
Lantern Lit Glögg Tours
6:30”“8 pm Sat Dec. 3, Sun Dec. 11, Fr Dec. 23 & Sat Jan. 7, 2017. Explore Mansion decorated rooms. with glögg, a warm, mulled wine, & seasonal appetizers from FIKA. $50 ASI members / $55 non-members. 21+
Making Traditions weekend series of family music & handcraft Dec 3-4, 11 & 18. Generously supported by Mike & Barb Nelson.
Julmarknad: Market & Festival Sat Dec. 3, 10 am”“5 pm; Sun Dec. 4, Noon”“5 pm With jewelry, glass, clothing, wood, & ceramic gift items by local artists; alongside ASI”'s Store & Jul Shop. Enjoy music, dance & storytelling. Make slöjd (handcraft) projects & watch for tomte & Santa! Sample FIKA”'s delectable holiday menu, p glögg & Bake Sale.
$12 adults / $5 ages 6-18 / ASI Members and children 5 & under ”“FREE. Museum adm. Incl..
Kids at the Castle
Friday, Dec. 9, Lucia”'s Legend; Friday, Dec. 16 & Saturday, Dec. 17,9 to 10 AM Tiny Tomtar & Extraordinary Elves It”'s playtime for kids and their grown-ups at the castle for creative & fun learning activities; visual games, storytelling, music & movement. Ages 2”“5. $8 per family. Reg. not req. adults must attend with children.
Winter Solstice Celebration
Wednesday, Dec. 21, 5 ”“ 8 pm
Celebrate year”'s shortest day & longest night; bonfires, courtyard, family handcraft, self-guided tours of the Mansion”'s holiday rooms & FIKA café”'s festive bites & warm glögg. The ASI Store & Jul Shop: open late. Incl. with museum adm.
Turnblad Mansion Public Tours
Daily Tu”“Sun 1:30 pm Nov. 15, 2016 ”“ Jan. 8, 2017
Learn Turnblad”'s fascinating story, castle architecture, ASI history, and early immigrant. Incl. with museum adm.
Museum Admission: $10 adults, $7 ages 62 +, $5 ages 6”“18 & full-time students with ID. Free for ASI members & kids ages 5 & under.
From November 15 ”“ January 8
Tu Th & Fr 10 am”“5 pm
*From Dec 1-31: Th & Fr extended 10 am”“8 pm
Wed 10 am”“8 pm
Sat 10 am”“5 pm
Sun Noon”“5 pm
ASI, FIKA & Store closed Mon
Tu Th Fr Sat 8:30 am”“5 pm
*From Dec 1-31: Th & Fr extended”“8:30 am”“8 pm
Wed 8:30 am”“8 pm
Sun 11 am”“5 pm
Tu-Th-Fr-Sat 10 am”“5 pm
*From Dec. 1-31: Th and Fr extended 8:30 am”“8 pm Wed 10 am”“8 pm Sun noon”“5 pm