- Robert Taylor, owner and chef of Zamaya”'s Delicious Catering, taking a few minutes at a recent Dinner and Diabetes Dialogue to speak about his own recent discovery of having diabetes. Through sharing our own personal experiences with each other, the BYI believes we can better manage diabetes and support each other in doing so.
- Staff members of Zamaya”'s Delicious Catering offering food at a Dinner and Diabetes Dialogue (Triple D) event. These events occur on the first Thursday of every month at the MGM from 5 to 7 pm. This catering company was incubated at the Cultural Wellness Center and prepares food for almost all Backyard Initiative events.
In collaboration with the City of Minneapolis, residents within the Backyard will be able to join a Diabetes/Diabetes Prevention (DDP) Family, Friends and Neighbors (FFN) group aimed at lifestyle changes for dealing with or preventing diabetes.
There will be 4 Diabetes/Diabetes Prevention Family, Friends, and Neighbors (DDP-FFN) core groups, with each one conducted for:
16 weeks of core classes
8 monthly post core follow-up group classes
Each core group will be hosted by a BYI Resident Recruiter/Host: Mr. Ray Thompson and Mr. Willie Younger of the Anchor Family *CHAT; Ms. Candis McKelvy of Growing the Backyard CHAT; and Miski Abdulle and Amged Yussef of the Project SELF CHAT. The Out in the Backyard CHAT and Phillips Neighborhood Clinic will be instrumental in the recruitment and referral of potential participants. There will also be a DPP Hybrid Group hosted at the Midtown Global Market.  The BYI Resource Center Staff will recruit from visitors of the BYI Resource Center and the Midtown Global Market for the Hybrid Group class. The difference between the FFN and Hybrid groups is the Hybrid participants may not be all families, friends, or neighbors to one another. All participants in any of the groups will be screened for eligibility within the criteria established. The first classes will begin in mid-August and other classes beginning in succession (creating a ripple affect). The Backyard DDP-FFN and Hybrid Program will be presented here in the Backyard through a contracted partnership with the Minneapolis Health Department. The Project is under the leadership of the Cultural Wellness Center, the BYI”'s Lead Agency with assistance provide by Allina Health Community Benefits and Engagement.
*CHAT-Community Health Action Team
If you need additional information or are interested in the DDP FNN or Hybrid Programs, please contact Roberta Barnes at roberta
@culturalwellnesscenter.org, or 651-353-6211. You are welcome to stop in at the Backyard Initiative Resource Center in the Midtown Global Market to obtain additional information through a face-to-face contact.
Some of the Topics Covered in the First Six Months
- Be a Fat and Calorie Detective
- Three Ways to Eat Less Fat and Fewer Calories
- Move those Muscles
- Take Charge of What”'s Around You
- Talk Back to Negative Thoughts
- The Slippery Slope of Lifestyle Change
- You Can Manage Stress and more! ”¦ and new topics in the Second 6 Month Program.