News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Thursday March 13th 2025

A Plea for Help!

Opposite this page is The Alley Newspaper Front Page of December 1978/January 1979. It was “A Plea for Help.” Help did appear as it has for several evolutions of this community-owned and governed newspaper.

Neighbors took the task before them and produced 473 issues of The Alley Newspaper in 42 Years

During the past two years, we have begun to prepare for changes in editorship when Harvey Winje would leave that position. Harvey”'s departure as Editor will happen in 2018.

Those discussions and the changes in producing The Alley Newspaper over the last eighteen years seem to be leading us toward a new infrastructure that broadens leadership and formalizes the governance of this community media source. The hope is that the change of the Editor and Manager function, as has happened many times, doesn”'t just prompt filling that slot with one or two people, but with a team of people that broadens expertise, spreads out the work requirements, and diversifies the ages, ethnic and cultural perspectives.

This 2018 Plea for Help will attempt to answer these questions:

Ӣ Will Alley Communications transition into a new legal structure (such as a co-operative) while broadening the ages and diversity of contributors and ways of communicating?

”¢ Will the work of Alley Communications, the nonprofit publisher of The Alley Newspaper, continue to emerge into new program areas such as documenting the community”'s history, communicating in new ways, etc.?

”¢ OR is the community”'s decision to bring this 42 history in journalism and communications to an end with one great big party?


Gary Cox, Luke Longstreet Sullivan, Art Greenough, Michael Saenz, Vernon Wetternach, Pat Kaluza, Bob Waligora, Steve Compton, Winton Pitcoff, Shannon Armitage, Karl Larson, Dave Dix, Bosede Adediran, Jonathan Miller, Harvey Winje

Managing Editors

Dean Seal, Michael Saenz, Vernon Wetternach, Pat Kaluza, Shirley Heyer, Dan Nordley, Corine Shindelar, Bosede Adediran

Associate and Contributing Editors

Dean Seal, Michael Saenz, Art Greenough, Steve Parker, Vernon Wetternach, Paula Williamson, Chris Perl, Pat Kaluza, Va Vue, Diane Beaver, Bob Cooper, Beth Blanks, Wizard Marks, Claudia Slovacek, Barb Nelson, Lois Parker, Pam Marshall, Lynne Cason, Susan Gust, Robert Albee, Brad Pass, Sunny Sevigny

Graphics Editors

Steve Compton, Paula, Williamson, Winton Pitcoff, Shannon Armitage, Karl Larson, Dave Dix, Bosede Adediran, Jonathan Miller, Ruth-Hazel Mueller, Thaddeus Lesiak, Dunn & Semington, Pete Semington, Sunny Sevigny

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