News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Thursday March 6th 2025

Raise Your Voice ”“ Bullies Among Us


Let the neighborhood know that the Franklin Street Bakery has been under investigation for reportedly violating workplace rights. The National Labor Relations Board has found merit to some 50 violations of Federal law, such as confiscation of pro-union literature and prohibiting workers from speaking about the Union (Bakers”¦ Local #22) during break times.

What should we call an employer who routinely hires vulnerable immigrants and then deploys intimidation to thwart union certification drives? Accordingly, Local #22 supports a path to citizenship and endorses the movement for immigrant rights.


In my father”'s youth, capitalism spawned Hitler. Minnesota”'s best iron deposits were then exhausted and squandered to war”¦. Fast forward to Polymet”'s copper-nickel mine proposal.

Polymet is destined to go forward (national security), very likely under the governorship of Tim Walz, with Peggy Flanagan (White Earth) cast to placate tribal concerns. Okay, good jobs for 20 years; pollution abatement for hundreds of years hence. What could go wrong?

Well, Polymet is merely a front for the Swiss company Glencore, a company implicated in environmental disasters, labor violations, and human rights abuses around the world (see: MINING TRUTH online). From Polymet, will we create the infrastructure for a post-fossil fuel world?


The D. T-rump has fired the Rex-T. because in part, Rex was “soft on Iran”. What next?

Sadly, there are bullies among us.

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