News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday March 5th 2025

Transit: Route changes and the luck of the Irish


Here we are, coming up on the Spring “pick.” For those of you not familiar with the term, that is when Metro Transit drivers get to pick their piece of work for the next three months, in order of seniority. That is also when route and schedule changes are made, unless a state of emergency trumps waiting for the next pick. The schedules based on this pick go into effect March 9, 2019. 

Fortunately, changes affecting the Phillips neighborhood are fairly minor. They are:

Ӣ Extra buses eastbound on Route 2 on weekday and Saturday nights.

Ӣ Minor schedule adjustments on Routes 2, 5, 9, 14, 19, and 22.

Ӣ Routes which currently run on 8th Street downtown are changing over to 6th Street due to construction. These include Routes 5, 9, 19, 22,and 39. This also means the Ramp A/7th Street Transit Center will not be in use. Route 39 will start and end at the Ramp B/5th Street Transit Center instead. Route 14 already goes through Ramp B/5th Street.

Ӣ A few early morning and late night buses on Sundays on Route 9 will be abolished.

Ӣ Route 14 will be changing over from 4th Street to 7th Street downtown.

Free Bus and Train Rides a Day Early This Year

Metro Transit is usually free twice a year: New Year”'s Eve and Saint Patrick”'s Day. Because Saint Patrick”'s Day is on a Sunday, the Minneapolis and Saint Paul parades are going to be held the day before, and most of the drinking and partying will probably be on Saturday, too. Therefore, we will be getting our free transit a day early. From 6 p.m. to 3 a.m. the evening of Saturday, March 16, 2019, Miller Coors will be picking up the tab for our bus and train rides. 

This is a good deal for everyone whether or not they drink, but it”'s an especially great deal for everyone who doesn”'t get arrested for driving while intoxicated, or worse yet, get into an accident. 

Please use this service if you”'re going to get drunk anywhere except at home. I”'d like to have you around to read this column next month!

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