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What”'s Up at the Franklin Community Library | March 2019


Family Storytime
Fridays, 10:30-11 am
For children of all ages and their caregivers. Talk, sing, read, write and play together in a format appropriate for young children. Share books, stories, rhymes, music and movement.

Teen Programs
Urban 4-H Club
Tuesdays, 5”“7pm
We do everything from urban gardening to digital photo/video to theater. Partner: University of Minnesota.

Teen Tech Workshop
Wednesdays, 5-6:30pm
Get creative and make music, videos, animation and other projects using both high- and low-tech tools, everything from iPads and 3D printers to synthesizers and sewing machines. Led by the library”'s Teen Tech Squad.

Dhalinta Horumar sare rabta / Young Achievers
Wednesdays, 4:30-6pm 
U dabaaldag Dhaqanka Soomalida, sameyso saaxiibo cusub iyo in aad isticmaasho hab nololeed cafimaad leh. Lamaane: WellShare International. Celebrate Somali culture, make new friends and practice healthy lifestyles. Partner: WellShare International.

Teen Anime Club
Saturday, March 6, 3-4:30 pm
Discuss manga and share artwork. Something different every time!

Adult Programs
Open Crafting
Monday, March 4, 1-3pm
Looking for a space to sew, knit or work on other crafts? Bring your current project and materials and join us! Sewing machines, knitting needles and other equipment will be available for your use.

Fasal furan oo ku Saabsan Barashada Teknoolojiga Maktabadda/Library Technology Open Lab
Wednesdays, Mar. 6 & 13, 10:30am-12pm
Registration Required. Kaalay oo baro Teknoolojiga maktabadda. Shaqaalaha waxey ku bilaabi doonaan Open lab-ka 20-daqiiqo oo horudhac ku saabsan teknoolojiga maktabadda. Mowduucyada laga hadli doono waxaa ka mid ah: sidaad u isticmaali laheyd kombiyuutarada maktabada, Internet-ka iyo Email-lada, asturnaanta, printer-rada iyo Scanner, iyo sidaad buugaagta uga raadsan laheyd bogga maktabada iyo kheyraadka laga helaba. Markuu mowduuca horidhaciisa lasiiyo, ka qeyb galayaasha waxey waqti u heli doonaan iney sii dabaqaan waxey barteen iyadoo shaqaalahana diyaar u ahaan doonaan iney uga jawaabaan su”'aalahooda mid-midna u caawiyaan.

Come and explore library technology. Staff will start each Open Lab with a 20-minute orientation to library technology. Following the orientation, participants will have time to explore on their own, while staff will be available for questions and one-on-one support. March 6 Topic: Creating a library account, using the library catalog. March 13 Topic: Online library databases for learning, literacy and employment.

Franklin Technology Hour
Thursdays, 12-1pm
Do you want to explore new technology, practice using a computer program, or learn more about the library”'s electronic resources? Then come to Franklin Technology Hour! Bring your questions or come and explore a spotlighted resource.

Cards and Board Games
Saturday, March 16, 2-4:30pm
Chess, Scrabble®, backgammon, cribbage, Mahjong and more! Come play a variety of games with new or old friends. Games are provided, or bring a favorite from home.

Franklin Learning Center:
The Franklin Learning Center offers free, one-to-one tutoring for adults who are learning English and math, preparing for the GED and citizenship exams, and gaining life skills. We are always looking for community volunteers! No experience necessary; we provide training and materials. Contact us at 952-847-2934 or

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