News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Wednesday March 12th 2025

Make your garbage beautiful

By Patrick Cabello Hansel

Have you seen the beautiful mosaics on concrete garbage and recycling containers around Phillips?  Would you like one on yours?  

Those mosaics are the work of the Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts @ St Paul”'s Lutheran and its artistic director, Pastor Luisa Cabello Hansel. Pastor Luisa and other community artists would love to work with you and your neighbors to create a unique mosaic that will last decades.In the process, you will learn how to do mosaic, and maybe meet some new people in our community.

The Semilla Center also is looking for youth ages 11 to 15 who are interested in learning about community art this summer. Our Young Leaders program trains youth for the job market and leadership in the community. Youth earn stipends while creating together. Career day visits to artists, theaters and museums connect youth with possible professions in the arts.

For information on either of these programs, call 612-724-3862 or e-mail: And like “Semilla Center” on Face Book, ¡por favor!



As we know, pollinators are crucial for life. Without butterflies, bees and other insects, many of the foods we eat would not be available. And we know that humans have had a negative effect on the life of our small friends, through use of pesticides, destruction of habitat and global warming. We can make a positive difference in the life of pollinators in our neighborhood by what we plant and by what we use

Saturday, May 18: 9 a.m. to noon, the Semilla Center for Healing and the Arts at St. Paul”'s Lutheran will host its annual “Pollinate Phillips Day.” We will plant pollinator attracting plants and art in boulevard gardens to make our beautiful community even healthier and more beautiful.The day begins at 9 am with a breakfast and presentation on practical ways to protect our land and water. Any age can participate! Pollinate Phillips will be at: St. Paul”'s Lutheran Church, 2742 15th Ave S.

We also know that ideas and changes in our community and our society need pollinators as well. People who are willing to take wing and take risks to bring new ideas to life, and bring people together. On Thursday, May 9, from 5-8 p.m., the Semilla Center St. Paul”'s will be at Midtown Global Market”'s Neighborhood Night.  Pastor Patrick will read from his new poetry collection “The Devouring Land”, 4th grade poets from Andersen United School will read their poetry about deportation, racism, violence and other issues.  Live music will feature jazz pianist Peter Breen. All these events are free and open to the public.

For more information, call 612-724-3862 or e-mail Follow the Semilla Center on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram: @semillacenter.

And coming up this summer:  “Our Sacred Land:” A day camp for children 3 to 11, June 10-14. Block Party July 20. Workshops in poetry, mosaic, lantern making and more!

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