News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025


Imagine MayDay on Sept. 11

Attend the Imagine MayDay: Community Update Meeting Sept. 11, 6-8:30 p.m. at Hearty of the Beast Theater (HOBT). At this meeting, hear insights and learnings from community engagement work this summer, which includes feedback from more than 500 people who shared their ideas and dreams for HOBT and MayDay:

Ӣ 80 artists and community members in one-on-one interviews

”¢ 43 artists who participated in artist charrettes 

Ӣ 418 people who participated in our online survey

Be invited into ongoing opportunities to engage in the formation of a new MayDay model that is resilient, equitable, and decentralized.

Puppt Lab, The Phillips Project

Two former HOBT programs, Puppet Lab and The Phillips Project, will now continue independently of the organization. During this period of organizational transition, HOBT is not able to continue hosting these programs, but the important work will continue under the same program leadership. More at

King”™s Fair Sept. 21

The Seward neighborhood will celebrate its biennial event, the King”™s Fair, on Saturday, Sept. 21, from noon to 5 p.m., with a family-oriented day in Mathews Park, 2318”“29th Ave. South. This year”™s theme is “Celebrating Seward”™s History.” The fair is a fun, low-key, neighbor-centered affair, co-sponsored by the Seward Neighborhood Group and the Minneapolis Park Board. There will be a variety of entertainments, music from local bands, offerings from local artist and crafters, activities for kids, and, of course, food. The Seward Neighborhood Group created the first King”™s Fair in 1979, after the discovering that between 1865 and 1883 there had been a fairground in the center of the Seward neighborhood. They named it after the Minneapolis businessman, politician, and promoter, William S. King, who owned the fairground. For 18 years the fairground drew crowds in the thousands from throughout the state. It was home to a total of 15 fairs, three of which were Minnesota State Fairs, until the land was sold for development. The modern-day King”™s Fair in Matthews Park, is adjacent to the location of the first fairs.

Visit the Seward Neighborhood Group tent to learn about the services they have provided to the community for nearly 60 years. Their recently released book, “A People”™s History of the Seward Neighborhood,” will be for sale in the History tent.

Rain or shine, the fair will go on. See you there.

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