News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Community Libraries

By Lindsey Fenner

As of May 21, all HN Cty libraries are still closed to the public, although there are 8 locations currently doing curbside pick-up for requested materials. Please do not return library materials at this time. Library workers have been advocating for returns to be delayed until a safe process can been developed. With the end of the MN Stay At Home order, HN Cty is currently working on tentative plan to bring back more library services to 4-6 libraries by mid-June, but it is not clear what those services will be or which libraries will be selected to provide those services. In addition, about 100 frontline library workers are still not being allowed to work or have any input in reopening planning. But whatever library services resume will look nothing like the community library you remember.

The Coronavirus pandemic is having a serious financial impact on local gov”™t, and HN Cty Commissioners are having discussions about what the future will look like. This might include significant budget cuts, permanent staff layoffs, and the closure of buildings. Call or email District 4 Commissioner Angela Conley to let her know that you value libraries and library workers. 612-348-7884

All HN Cty Libraries are closed to public. For Updated information on HN Cty Library services during the Coronavirus Pandemic, All information is accurate as of May 21, 2020

Ask Us: Have a reference or library account question? Call, text, chat with, or email a library worker
Call 612-543-KNOW (5669) to reach library staff by phone.
Monday-Thursday 9 am ”“ 9 pm
Friday-Saturday 9 am. ”“ 5 pm
Sunday noon ”“ 5 pm
Español/Spanish:Llame o envie un texto al 651-503-8013 para recibir ayuda en español.
Hmoob/Hmong:Hu losis text rau lub tsev nyeem ntawv ntawm 612-385-0886 txais kev pab hais lus Hmoob.
Soomaali/Somali:Caawimaad Soomaali ah, soo wac ama qoraal (text) usoo dir maktabada 612-235-1339.
Physical Materials: All Due Dates Have Been Extended. All Holds Have Been Extended.

Book Returns: All library book returns were closed on March 19. Check the library website when they will reopen. PLEASE do not put library workers at risk by returning library materials at this time.
Curbside Service: Mon-Fri, 9 am-5 pm Please note this service is running with very limited staff in order to maintain social distancing. The workers at these locations are exhausted, so please be kind!

Curbside pickup libraries: Brooklyn Park, East Lake, Eden Prairie, Maple Grove, Plymouth, Ridgedale, Washburn, Webber Park

Important service notes: This service is limited to items currently on the shelf at a curbside pickup library.Wait times for holds placed online are longer than usual. Please do not return items at this time. Due dates will be automatically extended.

Curbside pickup step-by-step

  1. Place items on hold.
    o to search for items currently available at a curbside location.
    o Place items on hold, and choose a curbside location for pickup.
  2. Wait for notification, then call the library when you plan to pick up.
    o You will receive email or phone notification when your hold is available for pickup. Wait times for holds placed online are currently longer than usual.
    o After you receive notification, call your curbside pickup library and have your library card barcode available. For faster service onsite, call ahead with an estimated time of arrival so staff can have your items ready.
    o Staff will check out your items, put them in a plastic bag, and place the bag on a cart outside of the building.
  3. After calling, pick up your items at the curbside location.
    o Bags will be on a cart outside the building.
    o Find your bag labeled with your hold pickup number (this is written on your library card).
    o Grab your bag

Library Card and Account Information: Contact the Library through Ask Us (above) to get your library account information.
Temporary Library E-Card: If you do not have a HN Cty Library card and would like to apply for a card to access online resources while we are temporarily closed, HN Cty residents and property owners can apply online to get a temporary e-card:

Online Library Events:
Storytimes on Facebook: HN Cty children”™s librarians are hosting storytimes on Facebook. New family storytimes premiere at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, baby storytimes at 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays, and are available on YouTube anytime.

Juneteenth Celebration: Sunday June 14, 2-4 PM; Tuesday June 16, 6-8 PM Celebrate this significant moment in African American history at an all-ages online community event! Enjoy powerful stories, performances, rhythms and songs. Juneteenth honors families reuniting, just as our ancestors took their freedom and reconnected with lost relatives. During this time of physical distancing, Juneteenth celebrations still bring us closer together.
The link to watch the events online will be posted at least 24 hours in advance of each event.

Performers include Voice of Culture Drum and Dance, Million Artist Movement, Black Storytellers Alliance, Neverending Storycircle, Journey Productions, Passed Presents, and Black Table Arts. Funded by MN”™s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund.

Online Resources: HN Cty Library has a smorgasboard of online resources including: Newspapers, Practice Tests, Interactives for Kids, Journals, Encyclopedias, Directories, Local History Digital Archives, Free Downloadable Music, Streamable Movies, Government Documents, Biographies, Computer Tutorials, and last but not least, E-Books. Visit the website to browse all online resources:

E-Books and Audiobooks:
Libby: The Libby app is available for iOS and Android devices and is a streamlined way to access downloadable ebooks and audiobooks from OverDrive. You can check out and audiobooks right in the app. You can also read eBooks in the app or send them to your Kindle.
Cloud Library: Find downloadable eBooks for readers of all ages. A reader app is also available for Apple, Android and other devices.

Homework Help: Online tutoring and online resources (need a library card to access)
Other HN Cty Resources

HN Cty Resource Helpline: 612-348-3000, 8 am to 8 pm, 7 days a week; Help available in different languages
If you”™re impacted by COVID-19, call for help with clothing, financial assistance, grocery and household supplies, medical care and equipment, or medication.

Cash, Food, and Rental Assistance: 612-596-1300

For people experiencing homelessness: Adults: 612-248-2350 Families: 612-348-9410.
On holidays, weekends, and evenings until 11 pm, call 211 (mobile: 651-291-0211) and ask for the after-hours shelter team.

Domestic Abuse Service Center
Advocacy, orders for protection and safety planning services can be accessed by calling 612-348-5073.
We discourage anyone from coming to the domestic abuse service center at the Gov”™t Center. But if someone finds themselves there, a conference room has been set up on the same level equipped with phones to call the services number 612-348-5073. The room is A0710.

Mental health emergencies
Adults 18 and over: 612-596-1223; Children 17 and under: 612-348-2233.
Text **CRISIS to connect to a crisis counselor

Internet and Computer Resources:
USI: USI opened their WiFi network in Mpls. for those that may need temporary internet access
”¢ Look for the “City of Mpls. Public WiFi” or “USI Wireless” networks on your mobile device and you will be connected. The process is similar to using Wi-Fi at a coffee shop or the airport.
Ӣ No password or credit card is required to sign in.
Ӣ You need to be within 50 feet of the hotspots. Signal strength varies indoors.
Contact: Call (24/7) 1-800-US-INTERNET ”“ Email: Text: 952-253-3277

PCs for People: PCs for People provides affordable computers and low-cost internet eligible individuals
www.pcsforpeople.orgPhone: 651-354-2552

Lindsey is an East Phillips resident, and usually works at Hosmer Library in South Mpls. After not working for the Cty for almost two months, she has recently been reassigned to HN Cty Public Health as a Covid-19 Contact Tracer.

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