News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

What”™s Up at Your Community Libraries


Hennepin County Libraries are reopening with limited in-person services.

For Updated information on Hennepin County Library (HCL) services during the Coronavirus Pandemic, visit   All information is accurate as of July 15, 2020

Library Updates:  As of Tuesday, July 14, Franklin Library is open for computer use! Call 612-543-6925 to make an appointment. The building will remain locked, but staff will let you in at your appointment time. Masks are required and will be provided if you don”™t bring one.  You will need to bring your own headphones. At this time, Franklin Library is open for computer use ONLY.  Other areas and services, including book/DVD check-out, are not available. They will be accepting returns during staffed service hours.

Franklin Library Computer Hours  

Tuesday & Wednesday 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m. 

Thursday 12-7:30 p.m.

Friday & Saturday 9 a.m.-4:30 p.m.

Sunday & Monday ”“ closed 

Franklin Library meal pick-up for youth, Thursdays, Noon-2 p.m. For ages 18 and under. Pick up a week worth of free meals. Caregivers can pick up meals for youth who are not present.  Meals include: sandwiches, milk, fruit, vegetable, and snack.

Curbside Pick Up Library Service at Hosmer Library: Monday-Friday, 9 a.m.-5 p.m.  All East Lake Library patrons will have the default pickup location of their holds changed to Hosmer Library. Place an item on hold through the Library website, wait for notification that the item is ready, then call the Library when you are ready to come pick items up. Hosmer Library: 612-543-6900

Physical Materials: Due dates for physical materials continue to be automatically extended. You are not required to return materials at this time. Libraries are accepting returns during staffed service hours only. Items will be removed from your account after a three day quarantine.

Grab and Go Library Service: Libraries will be phasing in services over the summer. Some Libraries will begin to open for holds pick up, limited browsing, and computer appointments at 50 percent capacity. Check the website for up-to-date service information and hours. Masks are required and will be provided if you do not bring one.

Library News: Because of the COVID-19 Pandemic, libraries have had to reduce costs. Nine HCL buildings will not be opening through the end of 2020, and 66 vacant staff positions have been permanently cut. As County Administration prepares the budget for 2021, there is an expectation for more cuts in staffing, significant cuts to the collection budget, and the potential that some Library buildings will be closed long-term. The Hennepin County 2021 proposed budget will be presented on September 17, so if you care about Libraries, let District 4 County Commissioner Angela Conley know!  Phone: 612-348-7884 Email:

Ask Us: Have a reference or Library account question? Call, text, chat with, or email a library worker

Call 612-543-KNOW (5669) to reach Library staff by phone.

Monday-Thursday 9 a.m. ”“ 9 p.m.

Friday-Saturday 9 a.m. ”“ 5 p.m.

Sunday noon ”“ 5 p.m.

Español/Spanish: Llame o envie un texto al 651-503-8013 para recibir ayuda en español.

Hmoob/Hmong: Hu losis text rau lub tsev nyeem ntawv ntawm 612-385-0886 txais kev pab hais lus Hmoob.

Soomaali/Somali: Caawimaad Soomaali ah, soo wac ama qoraal (text) usoo dir maktabada 612-235-1339.

Online Library Events:

There are a growing number of online library events! Check out the schedule by going online to and click on “Events”

Storytimes on Facebook: Hennepin County children”™s librarians are hosting storytimes on Facebook. New family storytimes premiere at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesdays, baby storytimes at 3:30 p.m. on Thursdays, and are available on YouTube anytime.

Distance Assistance for Computers and Job Searching: Mondays, 2PM-4PM. Need help with email, word processing, internet navigation, writing résumés, or searching for jobs? A staff member is available to answer questions and provide computer assistance via phone or videoconference. Please call 612-208-7849  to get started.

Summer Learning: Your Library is here for summer learning, with great books, online events, and more ways to connect and have fun. Check out the Library website for reading lists, book clubs, and virtual summer learning programs for youth of all ages, including art, science, technology and more.

Online Resources: HCLhas a smorgasboard of online resources including: Newspapers, Practice Tests, Interactives for Kids, Journals, Encyclopedias, Directories, Local History Digital Archives, Free Downloadable Music, Streamable Movies, Government Documents, Biographies, Computer Tutorials, and last but not least, E-Books. Visit the website to browse all online resources: rowse/online-resources

E-Books and Audiobooks:

Libby: The Libby app is available for iOS and Android devices and is a streamlined way to access downloadable ebooks and audiobooks from OverDrive. You can check out audiobooks right in the app. You can also read eBooks in the app or send them to your Kindle.

Cloud Library: Find downloadable eBooks for readers of all ages. A reader app is also available for Apple, Android and other devices.

Hennepin County Resource Helpline: 612-348-3000, 8 a.m. to 8 p.m., 7 days a week

Help available in different languages. If you’re impacted by COVID-19, call for help with clothing, financial assistance, grocery and household supplies, medical care and equipment, or medication.

Lindsey Fenner is an East Phillips resident and usually works at Hosmer Library in South Minneapolis. After not working for the County for almost two months, she has recently been reassigned to Hennepin County Public Health as a Covid-19 Case Investigator.

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