The Homeward Bound Shelter opened at the former Cedar Box Company building at Cedar and Franklin. On December 7, 2020, American Indian Community Development Corporation (AICDC) opened a new 50 bed shelter providing culturally specific services for the Native American community.The shelter will operate 24/7, and provide meals and storage. Hennepin County provided $3.5 million in funding, with additional funding from the City of Minneapolis, the State of Minnesota, and private donors. The shelter was developed relatively quickly, due to the hard work of contractor KMS Construction and AICDC staff, with murals by Rory Wakemup. To get connected for placement at AICDC’s shelter, call Adult Shelter Connect at 612-248-2350.

 HOMEWARD BOUND, AICDC’s new 24hr Shelter opened on Monday, Dec. 7th!
Executive Director Michael Goze sent gratitude to the many people that have worked tirelessly to make it happen including; Funders, KMS Construction, subcontractors, Rory Wakemup for the art, and most of all the staff of AICDC!