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Monday March 3rd 2025

Random alley Labor News


Random Alley Labor News

By Lindsey Fenner

Strike Averted at Allina: Service Employees International Union (SEIU) healthcare workers at Allina, which includes Abbott Northwestern Hospital and Phillips Eye Institute in Phillips, reached a last-minute tentative agreement with Allina Health. Workers had been set to strike on May 10 if an agreement wasn”™t reached in time. Issues during contract negotiations included pay, and health and safety concerns. 

Boycott of Marathon and Speedway Gas Stations Called for as Lockout at Refinery Continues: The MN AFL-CIO has endorsed a boycott of Marathon and Speedway gas stations as the lockout of workers at the St. Paul Park Marathon Refinery enters its fifth month. Members of Teamsters Local 120 were locked out by Marathon after a one-day strike in January. Workers have been fighting against staffing cuts and changes that they are worried will make the refinery more dangerous. The Marathon Refinery is one of about 50 refineries in the United States that still uses hydrogen fluoride, a highly toxic chemical. According to Marathon filings with the Environmental Protection Agency, an explosion at the refinery could create a toxic cloud that could travel 19 miles and impact 1.7 million people. Teamsters and allies have been spreading the word about the boycott and safety issues at the Marathon Refinery with pickets at gas stations supplied by the refinery. 

Upcoming Labor Education Class from the U of MN”™s Labor Education Service: Bargaining from Margin to Center, Thursday, June 3, 1:00pm – 4:00pm. Union members can use the collective bargaining process to center the needs and concerns of historically marginalized people (people of color, queer and trans people, disabled people, immigrants, etc.). This course will provide participants with skills and strategies to prioritize gains for historically marginalized people in your collective bargaining process.

Cost: $50 for participants with union sponsorship; $25 for individuals without union sponsorship; free for anyone who cannot afford to pay. Registration is required; space for each class is limited.

Instructors will email the link to access the class after registration is complete. Please contact  for more information or if you need a price adjustment.

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