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Friday March 14th 2025

Returning: Chapter 30

A strange light, even stranger words

a photo of the author
Patrick Cabello Hansel

The young woman welcomed the weary travelers into her home. As soon as Angel, Luz and Angelito stepped over the threshold, they felt like it was their home. Soft, golden light seemed to emanate from every corner of the living room as they entered it, although if you asked them where the lamps actually were, they would not have been able to tell you. There was an aroma of spices filling the air, and soft, melodious music gently touched their ears.

“Welcome,” the strange and peaceful woman said to them. “Please be at home here.” She motioned to a large couch and the three of them sat down.

“I know you have many questions,” she said. “But let me bring you refreshment first.”

She disappeared before they could even answer her. Later, Luz thought that the woman’s feet had never touched the ground.

“Papa,” Angelito said. “Do you think she comes from heaven?”

“Why do you say that?” Angel asked.

“Well, because her costume looks like the sky!” he said. “Her robe is dark blue, and there are all these stars in it!”

Luz knew her son had a great imagination, but she had not seen any stars at all. But when the young woman returned, she saw that indeed, there were hundreds of tiny golden stars woven into her dark blue gown.

The woman carried a tray with dates, nuts, cheeses and some kind of candy. She sat on the table in front of them, turned quickly and just as quickly returned with a ceramic teapot and six small cups all with beautiful designs that were different and yet together breathed a deep harmony.

“Please, enjoy!” she said, with a wide smile.

“You are seeking your daughter,” she said. “Do not fear. She is safe, she is beloved. We will all be one soon.”

Luz and Angel had heard their share of strange sayings over the years, but this topped them all. They both thought: “we will all be one soon”—what does that mean?

Luz opened her mouth to speak, but the woman put her finger to her own mouth and said, “Peace, child, all will be revealed. First we must enjoy this food and drink.”

Though they did not understand what was happening, something in her voice and in what was offered them put the family at ease. They ate and drank fully. The food was delicious, and the tea had a blend of flavors that seemed to open their minds and hearts.

Little Angelito spoke first.

“My name is Angel. This is my mama and papa. What’s your name?”

The woman broke out in a laugh so loud it threatened to shake the house.

“Why do you ask my name?” she said. “Is it forbidden to be a mystery?”

Then she laughed even louder, and the house did begin to shake. Angel started to stand up, but the woman raised her arms and then lowered them in a gesture “hieratic and profound”.

“Do not worry,” she said. “I have many names, but my friends know me as Attafe.”

Luz was about to ask what her name meant, but then a door to another room opened. The light that emanated from there was extremely harsh and caused her and Angel to close their eyes. Little Angelito did not, however, and he blurted out:

“Mami! Papito! It’s that lady that led us to the other bright place!”

Sure enough, it was Agnes, shrouded in light. But it was not like the light that welcomed our little family into Attafe’s home. It was not a light of welcome, but of truth.

To be continued…

Patrick Cabello Hansel is a retired pastor, having served with his wife for 15 years at St. Paul’s Lutheran in Phillips. He spends his days writing poetry and fiction, gardening and yelling at the TV.

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