On January 11, 2024 the Climate Justice Committee and EPNI held a community meeting to address Smith Foundry’s hazardous emissions with no Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (MPCA) staff in attendance. (See chair above: sign courtesy of: Stacey Gurian-Sherman)
In late December the MPCA repeatedly wrote and spoke of their concern for the Phillips community saying they “continue to work with neighborhood, groups and local state and federal partners to address your concerns to protect the health and well-being of East Philip residents.” But there are no statements or actions other than the MPCA noting it has installed air quality monitors in the neighborhood and is awaiting a mid April 2024 Emissions Monitoring Plan from Smith.
Ongoing delays, after decades of no interest, response or complying with the Clark Bergin Cumulative impact law from 2008, result in business as usual.
Save the date:
Smith Foundry community meeting February 7
The Minnesota Pollution Control Agency will host a community meeting on Wednesday, February 7, 2024, at the East Phillips Community Center (2399 17th Av S) to engage in conversation and answer questions about the Smith Foundry (1855 E 28th St) facility and their actions to monitor and prevent pollution in East Phillips.
The agency will provide updates on the December 2023 stack tests, ongoing air monitoring in the neighborhood, and the upcoming permitting process for the Smith Foundry facility.