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Monday March 3rd 2025

Franklin Library News March ’24

All information listed here is accurate as of February 12th, 2024. For the most recent information, check out the library website at

Monday 9 AM to 5 PM Tuesday 12 PM to 8 PM Wednesday 12 PM to 8 PM Thursday 12 PM to 8 PM Friday 9 AM to 5 PM Saturday 9 AM to 5 PM Sunday 12 PM to 5 PM


Homework Help
Tuesdays and Thursdays, 3:30-7:30 PM
Saturdays, 1-5 PM
Find homework resources for K-12 students online and at all our libraries: history, language arts, math, science and more.

STEAM Workshops for Youth
Wednesdays, 5-6 PM
Drop in for fun and creative STEAM (science, technology, engineering, art, math) experiments and projects! Materials provided. Led by Franklin Library’s Teen Tech Squad.

Way to Grow
Tuesday, February 6, 3:30-5 PM
Way to Grow connects parents of kids 0-8 to a culture-to-culture family educator to help with resources and provide support and education.

Young Achievers
Thursdays, 4-6 PM
Open to all teens who want to learn about various arts and media (including video projects, skits, and poems)! Young Achievers supports members to be a positive voice for their generation and community.


Coffee & Conversation
Second Wednesday of the month, 12:30-2 PM
Join Franklin Library staff for free coffee & conversations with neighbors.

Block Printed Owl Cards
Wednesday, March 13, 3-4:30 PM
Celebrate the beauty of nature by creating handmade owl cards using block printing. Create a drawing or use a template and learn how to design, carve, and print a set of unique cards to give on special occasions. Materials provided. Collaborator: Parcel Arts. This program is funded with money from Minnesota’s Arts and Cultural Heritage Fund. Register online.

Small Business Information
Third Tuesday of the month, 12-2 PM
The City of Minneapolis Small Business Team is holding public office hours at Franklin Library. This is a great opportunity for people with questions about starting, maintaining, or expanding their businesses. Please feel free to drop in – no appointment needed.

Technology Hour
Mondays, 1-3 PM
Tuesdays and Sundays, 1-2 PM
One-on-one help with computers, smartphones, tablets, and e-readers. Library staff are available to assist you on your own devices and library computers.

Have a reference or library account question? You can chat, email, text, or call the library. Chat or email at, text to 612-400-7722, or call 612-543-KNOW (5669) to reach library staff by phone.
Español/Spanish: Llame o envíe un texto al 651-503-8013 para recibir ayuda en español.
Hmoob/Hmong: Hu losis text rau lub tsev nyeem ntawv ntawm 612-385-0886 txais kev pab hais lus Hmoob.
Soomaali/Somali: Caawimaad Soomaali ah, soo wac ama qoraal (text) usoo dir maktabada 612-235-1339.

Ari is a librarian at the Franklin Library.

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