News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Friday March 14th 2025

Democracy and You

from the series Raise Your Voice!


A picture of the author with a black face mask reading 'Solidarity'
Peter Molenaar

Democracy is by one definition: “a system of government by the whole population or all eligible members of a state.”
“All eligible members?” Note: the ancient Athenian democracy emerged in the context of the existing slave system. In the United States, democracy was initiated in the context of a developing capitalism in conjunction with the then modern system of chattel slavery.
In our world, the influence of a small minority called capitalists taints democracy. For this reason, many of us don’t vote! Indeed, our bourgeois-democracy is a reflection of the capitalist system. Before too long, our ruling class will be unwilling and incapable of resolving life and death issues confronting the masses.
Does the struggle within bourgeois-democratic institutions have any bearing on the realization of our socialist vision? I am not alone in answering: YES!
And neighbors beware: Go online to contemplate the Trump 2025 plan. Hey, there is the possibility of something even worse than our present bourgeois-democracy!
It then follows that we the majority must impose our will upon the state. Naturally, a workers’ democracy would evolve only as a reflection of the public ownership of the primary means of production. Here, I suggest augmenting a pyramid of workers’ councils with councils of scientists and engineers. Councils of small business… sure, why not? Please, feel free to fill in the blanks.

Most recently UNIDOS coalesced with the local nonprofit ISAIAH in a lobby campaign with state senator Omar Fateh. Among our issues was a proposal to expand the MinnesotaCare Public Option, and a State Voting Rights Act. My emphasis was on geothermal heating and cooling.
Hey, let’s replace the ancient fossil fuel-dependent boilers inside our schools and government buildings with the geothermal technology developed by the Darcy Solutions company right here in Minnesota. The pipe-fitters union has installed the system in its headquarters, and they are hosting tours. Hopefully, Senator Fateh will spread the word.
No point in making the revolution if we don’t save the planet. Right?

Peter Molenaar advocates a broad united-front, even as he describes socialism as the future solution.

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