from the series Raise Your Voice

For this year’s July 4th, I celebrated our nation’s first revolution by attending a rally at the Minneapolis Labor Center. Over 300 parks workers had gone on strike. “Solidarity Forever” was the theme.
Why would a retired foundry worker like me bother to support parks workers? Here is the answer: Park workers create beautiful sanctuaries for people like me and you. Should we not pay them a decent wage? Hey, no more tax breaks for the rich folks, please, and for God’s sake, no more costly wars.
Remember the ancient cormorants which visit Powderhorn Park every year… the ducks, geese, and the occasional loon… even the soaring eagle which inspired the fancy dancer at Cedar Field. This is why we love our park workers!
Solidarity forever!
Peter Molenaar advocates a broad united-front, even as he describes socialism as the future solution.