News & Views of Phillips Since 1976
Tuesday March 4th 2025

Hennepin County Fix-It Clinic at ASI Creates Community & Decreases Waste

Photo courtesy Hennepin County

Community Increased:
Seventy-eight Hennepin County Fix-It Clinic volunteers attempted to repair 255 household items brought by 194 visitors. Repairs were completed on 218 items. Some are still in progress. The Fix-It Clinic was held at the American Swedish Institute Jan. 12th. The photo shows work in progress at the Larson Auditorium alongside the historic Turnblad mansion at 2600 Park Avenue, now the American Swedish Institute (ASI). (NOTE: ASI is one of five buildings in the Phillips Community on the National Registry of Historic Places).

Waste Decreased:
That was 1,396 pounds diverted from the trash, and an 85 percent repair rate.
These Hennepin County Fix-It Clinics are provided as a free service to keep items out of the waste stream. They occur once each month at various locations. Learn more at

Appreciation Kudos:
“I love it! Great energy at the event.”
“Whoever came up with the idea of a Fix-It Clinic is BRILLIANT!”
“I’ve been able to fix small holes in clothes myself after attending my first Fix-It Clinic and being taught basic sewing techniques. Makes me SO happy to be able to do it myself and have it fixed/not have to throw it away. So, THANK YOU”
“Y’all are amazing! Had so much fun and enjoyed learning a new skill!”
“The “fixers” were wonderful. I felt very comfortable with Jackson and Bill. They gave just the right amount of instruction to do on my own and help.”
“Great service. Enjoyed working with Harold!!!”
“This was awesome! It was really cool to be a part of. Thank you!!”
“Fabulous experience!”
“Such a great service with extremely knowledgeable/friendly fixers!”
“I love this. It seems like the volunteers are enjoying it, too.”
“Jordan and Jess were awesome!”
“Such friendly people and clear guidelines. Thank you.”
“Wonderful! Renews my faith in humanity!”
“LOVE IT!! Keep it going.”
“We are a reuse recycle fix it family, but a little bit of help goes a long way”
“I came, I learned, I fixed it.”
“Awesome activity, thankfully this is community organized!!”
“Thank you for providing this service.”
“I was pleasantly surprised!”
“Bob was great. Thank you for hosting this!”
“Great appreciation!”
“Incredible experience! Thank you!”

Recommendation – a book about repair of all kinds

Repair: The Impulse to Restore in a Fragile World is a book by Elizabeth V. Spelman that explores the human tendency to fix things. Spelman is a philosophy professor at Smith College.

ABOUT: ”We live in a world constantly in need of repair. Our cars break down. Marriages weaken, friendships sour, ties between nations are rent. Yet we fix things and relationships all the time, without giving these activities much thought. Repair is the first book to offer an in-depth exploration of this core aspect of human life.”

PRAISE: “A new way of seeing the human experience as a constantly inventive effort [at mending] what is broken, choosing not to, or learning to live with what cannot be fixed.”
– Martha Minow, author of Between Vengeance and Forgiveness
“Whether the focus is a teacup, a relationship, a life or a 50-year-old face, H. reparans is charged with the responsibility of deciding when, where and how the reparative impulse is to be exercised. No one who reads this book will ever again be unaware of that responsibility.”
– Barbara Brown Taylor, Christian Century

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